Chapter 35

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I stood in me and Blane's room looking at myself in the full length mirror we had hanging on the back of the closet.


I looked hot, but boy was I uncomfortable with wearing what little uniform this was.

I had a crop top tank top on that pushed my boobs up, actually making it look like I had cleavage, super short booty shorts which left half my ass hanging out of them.

I looked at the heels laying on the bed, oh hell no. I am wearing my converse.

I brushed at out my hair and applied some winged eyeliner with a red lip.

I looked at myself one more time in the mirror before I grabbed my apron to head downstairs for my shift.

"Holy fuck Lacey." I heard Blane say behind me, he was so drooling.

"What?" i asked. "This think is ridicolous." I said as I chuckled.

"Babe you look hot as hell." He said.

:Oh hush" I said as he slid his arms around my waist from behind, he placed a kiss on my neck.

"I swear to God if anyone touches you tonight, or even gives you sex eyes I am going to kill them."

I laughed.

"Then I guess you are going to be a pretty busy bartender tonight then." I said as I pecked him on the lips before heading down to the bar.


I watched as Lacey finished putting on her makeup.

I was literllay drooling, she looked hot as hell.

"Holy fuck lacey." I said as she stood up to check herself in front of the mirror.

"What?" she asked, "This think is ridicolous"

"Babe you look hot as hell" I said.

The crop top made her boobs look bigger than they actually were, but her belly button ring that was dangling down on her belly made her look even sexier. Her shorts, dont even get me started, was really wanting me to make her wear a jacekt tied around her waist. Her ass was already pretty perfect, but those shorts made the eyes defienently wander.

"Oh hush." She said.

I started to begin to get jealous even before she began to leave the room.

"I swear to god if anyone touches you tonight, or even gives you sex eyes I am going to kill them." I said .

"Then I guess you are going to be a pretty busy bartender tonight then." she said before she placed a kiss on my lips before she walked out of the room.

Looks like I will be for sure.

"Hey dude" christain said to me as I walked into the bar.

"Lacey looks S-" christain began to say as I gave him a look of dont you dare finish that sentence.

"Erm, good. She looks really good." Christain said.

"Mhm." I replied.

The bar had opened about an hour ago, we werent to busy yet and Lacey was killing it. I watched her every move, and made sure that these men were not trying to touch her.

All of a sudden a rush of people came in and I was no longer able to keep watch on Lavey, but that was when I noticed a girl that fit Logans description of Marie.

What was she doing here tonight? She wasnt supposed to come in till tomorrow?!

"Yo christian!" I yelled over the blaring music.

"whats up man?"

"Marie is here." I stated.

"She wasnt supposed to come in till tomorrow, when Lacey was off."

"I know."

"What do you want to do?"

"Keep lacey busy, and when she asks where I am or tries looking for me, just say I had to get more beer or something."

"will do." He replied.

I ran upstairs to change into some ripped black jeans and a white t-shirt.

I began to feel nervous about this whole situation becuase Lacey wasnt going to be working when I did this, that way she wouldnt see me all over some other chick. We made it to where she would have Friday off so she can go buy some clothes since we were staying here for a while.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead on a cloth in the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and reminded myself that I was indeed doing this for her, to find her father and kill him. That I can do this. Logan gave me this mission for a reason, I have to follow orders not only to obey but to get revenge for lacey.

I walked down to the bar and spotted marie.

"Hey can I buy you a drink pretty lady?" I asked.

"Oh why yes you can handsome." She replied.

"What you drinking?" I asked already knowing she was going to say tequila, I could smell it from her breath as she whispered in my ear.

"Tequila and hopefully you." She stated.

I gave her a flirtaous smile "Oh is that right?" I asked.

Marie shook her head as I bent down to her ear, "I can make that happen." I said as i nibbled on her earlobe, making her breath hitch.

"Im gonna go get you that drink love." I said.

I made my way to the bar to get me a beer and this bitch her tequila. I already started to feel nauseous. This was so wrong on so many levels, i felt like I was cheating on Lacey. Well technically I was, but this wasnt because I didnt love her I was doing this because I love her.

"Tequila and a beer." I told christain.

"You doing okay man?"

"Yeah shes pretty easy, but I just feel like im betraying Lacey." I told him.

" Just remember you are doing this for a reason, you are doing it for Lacey." Christain said.

"I know." I replied as I grabbe the drinks off the bar and took them to marie.

I looked around to see if I could spot Lacey and I could see her serving a whole table of men who were all looking her up and down, I gripped my fists together and tried to keep my cool.

I was gave Marie her drink and tried not to eye Lacey every possible second.

"Wanna dance bad boy"

"Definently." I replied as i grabbed her hand and had her follow me to the dancefloor.

Tonight was going to be a very long night for the all of us.

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