Chapter 42

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I rounded the right side of the corner and shot two, but quickly duck back down seeing her father standing there searching the area. I couldn't let him get to her.

I stood up ready to shoot but was grabbed by a handful of my hair and ragged into the middle of the fight.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He yelled at me but I remained mute.

He began to punch me and continued to punch me with every mute response I gave him.

I tried to block the blows but it was getting to be no use after a while. It was hard to move anywhere with his hand in my fucking hair.

I was able to get a blow to his shin in and tried to reach for my gun but was hit in the back with a pistol that knocked me to the ground.

I turned around and kicked him again giving me time to stand up.

"Fight like a man." I said.

He started to throw a punch but I blocked them and was able to get a few punches in.

If I could just grab my gun we would be okay.

I went at him again grabbing his waist turning the fight around so I'd be closer to the gun that was on the floor.

Bad idea.

I soon felt a stabbing pain in my did as I felt him pull a knife out of my side.

But I refused to back down.

I wiggles out of the grip I put my self into and began to fight back.

I held onto the love I had for Lacey as I kept hearing him call out to her, wanting her to come kneel before him and leave with him.

I would die before that would ever happen.

I caught a glimpse of Lacey shooting two men, that's my girl I thought as I took another hit to the jaw sending me to the ground.

My head bounce of the flooring and I could slowly feel myself going into unconsciousness, I tried to fight it but it was no use.

I felt his hand grab a first full of my hair as he made me sit next to him.

My mind was falling asleep and I could barely make out what he was saying, but then I saw her standing there talking to him.

Not soon after I felt a gun pistol whip me and my head shot backwards and laid on my shoulders, my body had no support so it just hung there.

I saw bare feet, with painted black toes walk towards me and her father. No.

She was offering herself up in exchange for me.

Fight Blane come on! I yelled at myself trying to force my self to get my adrenaline pumping but o thing was working.

I felt him push me to the side as I wobbled to sit back up, I saw Lacey walk with her father.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes and my eyes were threatening to close.

Soon I felt a piercing pain in my collar bone as I went down.

I saw through my eyes as I laid there helpless on the ground in a fast flowing pool of my own blood, Lacey fight against her father.

I cracked a smile as she began to win and shot her father in the head.

That's my girl.

I slowly let my eyes begin to shut, seeing Laceys beautiful face one more time, before Logan carries her out of the bar.

Good idea, she needs to be safe.

I fell into unconsciousness as I dreamt of Lacey and the life we could have had.

I'm dying. I know I am. I just wish that Lacey will have a good life and not let this consume her.

I felt hands grab my body and could hear men talking about as I was being dragged, I don't know to where.

But soon I was thrown into what I'm assuming was a trunk as I heard the door close and could feel myself moving.


"Come on man! Wake up! Wake up!" I could hear someone yell.

I slowly started to open my eyes but everything was so blurry.

"Christain?" I asked and I was engulfed into a hug.

"Yes man it's me! I'm so fucking happy your alive bro!!" He said with relief.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Dingers basement, he has got you all hooked up
Bro." He said as I took in my surroundings.

I was laying in a bed with IVs in my arm, a monitor that would shut up and a blood pressure cough around my arm.

I was in dingers underground hospital, it's where we would take the injured to heal after a battle.

I nodded my head as I slowly place it back down on the pillow and drifted back to sleep.

My body was exhausted, but all my mind could think of was Lacey. Was she okay? Did she know I made it? Where was she?

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