Chapter 39

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I was walking back the apartment when I saw Christain and Lacey laughing about something, together.

I clenched my fists as I tried to hide the jealousy I was feeling. I was already pissed off because Marie was not talking at all, we had to bring Logan in to try to torture information out of her.

Yes The Ripper was in town. Which had me even more stressed out because if he knew I hurt Lacey over all this Marie crap he would not be happy.

Me and Lacey locked eyes.

She stared at me with anger and hurt written all over her face, I kept a dull expression on mine. Hiding whatever I was feeling inside, but I know my heart was pounding out of my chest as we stared at each other.

What the fuck is that?" Lacey finally said pointing to the collar of my shirt.

"Nothing." I replied.

"It better be blood and not that trashy ass girls lipstick." She said as she reached for the collar of my shirt.

But i grabbed her hand and threw it back.

"Back off Lacey." I spat.

She gave me a look full of shock at the way I just reacted to her. I instantly felt guilty, but remained to display no emotions on my face. She hated me now, I can't let her get to me while Marie was here. If she found out about it she could ruin the whole interrogation with her lust for revenge on her father. As long as I could keep her mad at me the longer I could keep her away and protect her till Marie was done with.

Lacey scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Bro come on." Christain said.

"Stay out of it Christain." I spat at him giving him a glare.

"I'm taking a shower." I said as I pushed Lacey and Christain out of my way to walk up the stairs.

"Hey! Make sure you wash all that trashy whore off, I'd hate for Christain to get an STD from just sitting on the couch!" Lacey yelled up the stairs.

"At least I didn't spend my whole night with a tease." I said as i slammed the door.

Once inside I instantly regret what I said to her and how I was acting. That wasn't right for me to do. I did respect her decision to wait, I didn't care about sex with her. Just being near her was good enough for me.

But what I said and how I just acted down there wasn't going to do me any good. I hurt her, now that's all I'm ever doing.

I was still angry with her about the night before so I know that's why I acted the way I did. She said she hated me! How am I supposed to react to that? She blamed me for everything, I mean I guess it is true. I am the reason all of this is happening to her.

But she decided to go on this journey with me. She knew how dangerous it is, she's the rippers cousin after all, she's the freaking heir to two gangs.

I turned the shower on and got undressed, once I hopped in the shower the blood I had on splattered on my neck started to wash off.

Interrogating Marie wasn't going well and I lost it.

No didn't kill her. But I did leave a knife in her leg after she spit in my face.

We needed to find out where her father was before he found her. If he found her first it would be end game for all of us.

Just then my phone rang.

I dried my hands off with a towel and answered it.

"Yo we got a tip that her father and a few of his men were spotted at the strip mall like 5 minutes ago. Hurry up and get ready and we will roll out."

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