Chapter 38

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I gasped for air as ice cold water fell over my head.

"Wake up Loser." I heard a familiar voice say.

I opened my groggy eyes and immediantly feel the pounding headache I gave myself from drinking to much last night.

"Snake?" I asked.

"Yup, get up we got work to do." Snake said.

"Why the fuck did yall just snatch me like that?" I asked rubbing my wrsits where the zip ties were put to bound my hands to my back.

"So we wouldnt blow your cover when we picked up the spy. But you were to drunk to understand anything so." Snake explained.

I shook my head in understanding and followed snake to the interrogation room underneath the bar.

Fuck. The bar last night. Lacey. All the pain from last night that I caused rushed to my head as flashbacks of me and Laceys fight filled my vision.

Not now. I can't let this distract me. Focus on the matter at hand Blane.

Snake opened up the room and Marie was sitting there tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth.

"Well hey there sweetheart." I said winking. "Let's get down to business now shall we?" I asked her as me I pulled a chair up in front of her.

The sunlight coming through me and blanes room made me rub my sleepy eyes.


I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head. I had a raging headache, only for them to be pulled off my head.

"What?!" I half yelled expecting Blanes voice to answer.
"Here girl." Christain said handing me a tylnoel and a water. "It will help with the headache, maybe not try to rage to much your next shift." He said half smiling.

I rolled my eyes.

"Where is Blane?" I asked.

Christain gave me a look as "you don't remember?"

"Oh." I said as I began to have flashbacks of him kissing some whore and our huge fight. "I remember."

Christain gave me a sad smile.

"Well get dressed cause we are going shopping!" Christain said in his gay voice making me giggle.

"Okay." I said rolling my eyes.

Over the past few months Christain has begun to become one of my bestfriends. He could never replace Jack but it was nice to have someone I could talk to and who make me laugh, especially when I was mad at Blane.

I still couldn't believe him! How could he do something like that to me?!

I pushed the pain and disgust back down and got dressed for Christain to take me shopping.

"You ready yet?" Christain yelled one annoyance.

"Yes! Let's go." I said as I put my purse over my shoulder and walked to the door.

"The jacket looks really good on you." Christain said complimenting Jacks jacket with "lil ripper" on the back as he gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"Thank you." I replied.

We walked down the stairs laughing because Christain said one of his stupid jokes and came upon Blane with anger and frustration written all over his face.

"Hey Blane. I'm taking her shopping like you asked yesterday. We are gonna take the bike." Christain said.

Blane nodded as he stared at me.

My heart began to pound in my chest, I felt like I couldn't breathe. But then I was filled with anger.

I kept staring right back at him as I saw his face soften, but that's when I noticed the red stain on his shirt.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked pointing to the red stating on his shirt.

"Nothing." He replied.

"It better be blood and not that trashy ass girls lipstick." I said as I reached for the collar of his shirt.

But he grabbed my hand and threw it back.

"Back off Lacey." He said.

My face held shock as I stood there staring at his expressionless face.

What the fuck?

I scoffed.

"Bro come on." Christain said.

"Stay out of it Christain." Blane spat at him.

I still stood there shocked at how Blane was acting. He was being such an asshole, but to me. He's never acted this way towards me.

"I'm taking a shower." Blane said as he literally pushed me to walk up the stairs.

"Hey! Make sure you wash all that trashy whore off, I'd hate for Christain to get an STD from just sitting on the couch!" I yelled up the stairs.

"At least I didn't spend my whole night with a tease." He said as he slammed the door.

"A tease?! Seriously?! Ugh!" I said in frustration as I walked out of the bar.

"Lacey..." Christain said as he pulled me into a hug.

"He makes me so mad!" I said.

"I know. Just let him cool down and he will tell you everything."

"Wait. You know something." I said.

"Yes. But for right now with your dad so close by we can't tell you yet. Blane will tell you when Logan says it's okay for you to know." He explained.

I was still angry. "I'm not a fucking child."

"Lacey." He said as he held my face in his hands and stared into my eyes. "We all know you are not a child. But your father is a problem person, you saw what he can do and he wouldn't think twice about doing what he did to Jack to you. You disobeyed him by coming with us. You would be punished. We are only trying to protect you." He explained.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't give me an attitude missy, get on the bike."

"Fine." I huffed as I climbed on the back and wrapped my arms around Christain as he  took off down the road.

The wind flew in my hair giving a feeling of relief.

I loved riding, it also gave me a sense of relief but I couldn't stop thinking about Blane.

I mean seriously?! A tease? Kissing that girl and doing only god knows what else? That wasn't love.

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