Chapter 31

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Me and Christian were waiting just outside of the gate to where Lacey was being kept.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Back up will be here any minute now." He told me.

My heart was pounding and I was beginning to get paranoid about this whole thing.

What if it was a set up? What if they knew they were coming and they already put Lacey in the cage?

"Fuck this I'm doing it now." I said as I began to climb the fence just as I heard the annual wedding song.
I looked down at christain and gave him a wide eyed look.

Holy fuck no. That is my fucking girl.

"Now!" I yelled at Christian.

He followed in suit and we sat up the explosive at the back.

The music was still playing when it set off.

Once the debri cleared we started scanning the area.

Oh no.

I just bombed the place where the person I loved was in.

"FIND LACEY NOW!!" I exclaimed.

I held my gun and shot a few of the security officers coming at me.

I picked up the chairs looking around for my bride.

"Well well we'll." I heard from a coughing man.

"Jack." I said.

"Looks like you found us." He said with his hands up in the air.

"Yeah I did. Where is she?!" I said.

"I don't know. She was walking down the aisle and then the whole place blew." He said.

"Oh my fucking god. She's dead isn't she?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know. But he is here Blane. He is cruel and evil. Worse than I thought." Jack said.

"Are you scared or something? Why are you saying this to me?" I asked.

"Because I love her. I actually love her. I mean yes I love power to but when he hit her, I just. I knew I couldn't do this." He explained.

"He fucking did what?!"

"We need to find her now. Word around her dad is nearby." Christain said behind me.

"Help us find her jack. If you really love her you will help us get the fuck out of here."

He shook his head.

I walked around looking under pieces of the wall that was blown out.

That when I saw her.

She was laying there, lifeless. A pool of blood surrounding her head, small bruise on her cheek, a few scratches on her face.


"Lacey!!" I yelled pulling off a piece of the wall that was laying on top of her.

I pulled her into my arm. "Lacey wake up babe, it's me, your safe."

I said as I stroked her face. "Lacey I love you please wake up!"

I saw her eyes flutter open just for a second as she whispered "Blane".

She's alive!

"I'm getting you out of here so hold on." I wrapped her up in my arms and began heading for the exit.



I turned around to see her father standing in the middle of the room.


"Sit her down now Wolfie."

"No. I love her. She is mine and I am hers. You do not get to keep her and torture her when she doesn't obey an order from you." I said back.

"Well, I guess if I can't have her no one can." He said as he lifted up his pistol, I quickly pulled out mine.

"Don't shoot!" We heard yelled across the room.

"Jack he has Lacey, what are you doing?" Her dad said.

"Lacey deserves to be happy. You are not what I thought you were. Let them be."

He laughed. "No." He said as he pulled the trigger on the gun. It happened so fast i through Lacey to ground and made my body her shield, but never felt any pain in me, when I heard the shot fired.

I turned around to see jack holding his stomach with blood pouring out over his hand, before her father took the gun to Jacks head and shot him point blank.

This was our cue to run, so that's what I did.

I ran with Lacey in my arms.

"J-Jack he, he is dead." I heard Lacey say.

"Yes babe. I'm sorry." I said as I busted through the front gates and put her in the back seat of the Honda.

"Go!" I yelled at the driver.

Thank you Jack for your sacrifice, I clearly misjudged you.

Hey guys!! Sorry I have been absent! I have been busy with college! Let me know what you guys think!!

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