Chapter 16

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We had been driving for hours and I was starting to get hungry.

I really wanted some food but me being me I continued to stay silent.

A few moments pass by and Blane pulls into a diner.


I climb out of the car and start walking towards the cafe.

Illinois BFD Diner

The sign said as it lit up as the sun began to sit.

We found a place to sit but not even a moment passed as a waitress was at our table.

"What can I get y'all?" She asked.

"Dr.Pepper and a bacon and cheese omelet, please." I said.

"For you sir?" She asked turning her attention to Blane.

"Same as her." Blane replied.

"Okay coming up." She said as she walked off.

Me and Blane fell into uncomfortable silence.


"How do you know Jack?" He asked.

Really back to this again?

"Why?" I asked simply because I was curious why he would even care.

"Because I know him."

"I figured that since he used to work for my cousin." I replied.

"Is that how you know him?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"No. I grew up with him, he was my bestfriend till he got patched over." I replied.

"I don't think just friends are supposed to call you babe." He said.

I rolled my eyes again but didn't reply.

"Really Lacey quit rolling your fucking eyes, I was just stating the obvious."

"He has always called me that Blane, get over it." I replied with an attitude.

"Loose the attitude Lace." Blane said.

"No." I replied right as our food came.

I could see Blane clench and unclench his jaw, he wasn't very happy that I was being a bitch, but he deserved it.

I dig into my omelet and it was AMAZINGGGG.

Once I finished I laid back in my seat and rubbed my tummy.

"I'm so full." I said.

Blane just stared at me.

But he gave me a stare that I had never seen before.

His eyes kept darting from mine to right over my shoulder. His eyes held worry, fear and anger. I could see the fear in his eyes every time he looked at me, but the anger only rose when he would look over my shoulder.

I could see him reach into his leather jacket and I knew exactly what he had his hand on, his gun.

I was about to look behind me before Blane stopped me, "Don't fucking look back, he will know who you are." Blane said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"You are going to get up and slowly walk out the door, do not look back go straight to the car. Understand?" He asked while staring straight into my eyes with fear.

He never showed fear so it was confusing that he was showing me fear, he was letting me see that it scared him being in this situation with me.

I nodded my hand as he handed me the keys on the table. I went to grab them but Blane held onto my hand, tingles arose in my hand as his hand held mine.

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