Chapter Seven

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I found my seat for first period and put one of my earbuds in my ear.

I had already done the next two days of homework for this class, yeah I know goody goody. Whatever.

I leaned back and listened to Seether scream into my headphones as I day dreamed I was elsewhere.

I started to think about Blane.

His blonde curly hair wet from coming out of the shower, with drops of water rolling of his shoulders, down his chiesled chest.

"Sweetheart. You thinking about me?" I heard Blane whisper in my ear, cause me to adjust myself at my table, snapping me out of my thoughts.

When did he even get to class? Let alone sit behind me?

"You wish." I said back with a wink.

I tried to turn my attention back to the professor but I could not stop biting my lip, trying to contain the imaginable day dreams I was having of Blane.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Soon enough the bell rang and I gathered my things and scurried outside to my next class.

I heard Blane yell for me but I ran into my next classroom, where I took my seat. Feeling less nerve racked considering that I no longer had anymore classes with him today.

Plus it's fall break so it was a half day.

After school I began walking out the doubles doors, only to see him standing by his bike cigarette in hand, waiting for me.

"Sweetheart." He said. "Let's get going."

I grabbed the cigarette from his fingers, took a puff and gave it back. Leaving him a tad surprised, which caused me to grin at him.

I mean come on, my cousin is the ripper, I'm not technically a bad girl but I'm not a saint either.

I climbed on the bike.

"Let's go slow poke."

I said patting the seat in front of me.

He climbed on and we took off to the house.

Once we arrived, we walked into my home and I sat my school stuff down.

"Wanna watch a movie and order pizza?" I asked Blane.

"Uh actually, I got plans. But I'll be here tonight." Blane said.

"See ya later." He called before shutting my front door.

Well okay then. Weird. Whatever.

I went ahead and turned on a movie and ordered some pizza for myself.

Being a loner is kinda my thing.

I woke up to hearing my door knob start switching back and forth. Fuck. I must have fallen asleep.

The door knob kept shifting, leaving me suspicious.

I grabbed the gun from the cabinet that Logan began to leave behind if needed and walked towards the door.

"Who's there?" I asked.

No answer just more fiddling with the door handle.

I waited for a few seconds before asking who it was again until someone just busted down the door.

I held the person at gun point.

"Who the fuck are you?" I yelled.

All I heard was laughter. It was a female voice.

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