Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sound of Blane snoring.

Snoring. Ugh!

I slowly got out of his grip to only hear the sound of my stomach growling.

I fished through my purse and found a dollar and snuck out of the room.

I started to walk towards the vending machine, mentally thinking about what goodies the machine might hold.

I slid my dollar in and decided on a kit kat.

As I was making my way back to our room I could hear Blane yelling at someone.

I put my ear to the door to listen.

"No I can't, three men ambushed us back there. If we back track and then go around we will be fine."

"I know we can't stay here! I'm not stupid!"

I heard him take a huge sigh.

"Logan I know. She doesn't know anything and I promise to keep it that way, but-"

"Let me finish! The whole promise I made you is getting harder to keep the longer we are together-"

"I'm sorry! I can't help what I feel man!-"

"I know. I won't let that interfere with anything and yes I know, protect her or I'm dead. My feelings are only going to make me protect her even more.-"

Oh my god.

I pulled my ear from the door.

Blane has feelings for me?! So what I was feeling was mutual! He even told Logan he had feelings for me!

I felt a smile come to my lips, but it slowly faded when I remembered that Blane told Logan that I don't know anything. Anything about what?

What was this bad boy hiding??


I woke up to my phone ringing but only to find Lacey gone, I panicked thinking that she was taken till I saw a note telling me she went to the vending machine for food.

I answered the phone. It was Logan.

"Why did you leave Illinois? You were only two more states away from a safe house. You need to get back on track."

"No I can't, three men ambushed us back there. If we back track and then go around we will be fine." I replied.

"Well you can't stay there, they will all find you."

"I know we can't stay here! I'm not stupid!"

"Wolfe I know you are not stupid. Is Lacey okay is she still in the dark about everything?"

"Logan I know. She doesn't know anything and I promise to keep it that way, but-"

"Good it better stay that way. No buts."

"Let me finish! The whole promise I made you is getting harder to keep the longer we are together-"

"No. You are not allowed to fall in love with her! I warned you about this! It will just make everything harder!"

"I'm sorry! I can't help what I feel man!-"

"You mission is to protect her, meaning from everything! Including who her father is! You falling for her will make it even harder to keep the secrets from her!"

"I know. I won't let that interfere with anything and yes I know, protect her or I'm dead. My feelings are only going to make me protect her even more.-"

"They better. Get back on the road now."

After that he hung up, I sat down on the bed and ran my finger through my hair.

Fuck. My. Life.

How was I going to be able to keep this secret from her? Why we are really on the run? Who her father is? Everything. How am I supposed to hide that from her, when I'm starting to develop strong feelings for this girl?

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