Chapter 26

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I was sitting patiently in the bathroom waiting for Blane and Christian to come tell me it was clear to leave.

I was beginning to get bored.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Ma'am we have a line out here waiting to use the bathroom, is everything okay in there?"


I put some water in my mouth and pretended to puke.

Knowing they could hear me outside, I knew after I pretending you cough and they could hear the sound of the water falling into the toilet they would leave me alone.

I felt bad for the others waiting, but there was a another bathroom.

"Ma'am we can give you a bard bag but you need to come out now." I heard the lady say.

"I- I'm sorry but it's coming out both ends!" I exclaimed.

I could hear the disgusted ew coming from the lady.

"Times up Lacey. I'm coming in."

Fucking hell. It was Jack. He was testing to see if it was me.

The next thing I know Jack slams into the bathroom door.

"Let's go." He said grabbing my arm and walking me down the bridge out onto the plan runway where the plan had landed.

"Let go of me!!" I yelled at him.

"Shut up." He said.

I grabbed my blade and took my shot at slicing the arm he had a grip on, but he stopped my motion mid air.

"Did you forget that I'm one of the people that trained you?" He asked with a smirk.

He was right. Him, my cousin and Snake all trained me how to fight in case of an emergency.

I rolled my eyes and spit in his face.

He wiped the spit off his face and gave me a devilish grin as he calmed his hand around my neck, closing off my ability to breathe in oxygen.

"Listen here, I'm the person you need, I'm the person you want. Blane? He is a man whore, he is nothing. I will be the king of the city soon enough, with you as my queen. So I suggest you begin to behave Lacey, or you can spend the rest of your reign of this city in the dungeon of your fathers castle."

"What?" I croaked out as he let go of my throat.

He chuckled. "Aww did lover boy not tell you? Your daddy is the king of the city, you are the princess."

"That's-thats impossible! My parents are dead!" I exclaimed while I was being dragged by jack, trying to keep up with his long strides.

"Well I mean your mother is dead, but your father is more than alive babe." Jack said.

"No! You are lying to me!! Let me go!" I exclaimed as I fidgeted in his grip.

"LACEY!!" I heard Blane y'all.

"BLANE!!" I yelled back but my scream was muffled when Jack put a cloth over my face, chloroform.

Within a few seconds I felt my body go limp in Jacks arms, as he began carrying my bridal style.

The last thing I saw before I went into a sleep was Blanes painful facial expression of watching me being abducted by my not so bestfriend, I saw the fear arise in his eyes, anger in his face, and a tear threatening to fall as he watch Jack put a cloth over my face.

The last thing I remember is him running towards me and extending his hand, but I was to far gone to even try to reach for it.

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