Chapter 47

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Aaron has fallen asleep while Texas chain saw massacre was playing, but I was wide awake. I was trying to figure out what people from London wanted from me. What could I have that the came to Alaska for? I was completely confused.

I got up out of our makeshift fort and went to make me a cup of chocolate milk and was instantly drawn into a flashback memory of me and Blane.

It was the beginning of the school year and I was walking hand in hand with Connor, smile plastered on my face as he gave my cheek a kiss.

My body shivered with disgust at the memory of me and Connor.

We continued to walk through the school until Connor dropped me off at my locker.

"I'll see you after second period baby." He said as he stole a quick kiss from my lips and walked to his first period.

I smiled at him walking away like a love struck idiot.

I was putting my books for the first two periods in my bag when I stepped back to shut my locker something hard ran right into me, causing me to fall to the ground with coldness leaking onto my face and clothes as I fell onto something hard.

"What-" I said looking down at my shirt and seeing the remains of chocolate milk all over my shirt and could feel some chocolate milk dripping down my face.

"Get off." I heard a voice say from underneath me as I was being pushed off  of whoever cradled my fall.

He got up and I was still sitting on the cold school floor as I took in peoples laughter and eyes.

Great first day back, no way could it get any worse than this. I thought to myself.

But as I slowly looked up to the culprit of this chocolate milk mess I see the one and only Bad boy Blane, but people called him "Wolfie".

Holy fucking shit.

He was laughing along with the others as the group surrounding us began to fade away as the first bell rang.

Blane walked away too and I was still there on the ground covered in chocolate milk.

I began to get up when I felt a strong arm help me up to stand.

"I'm sorry about that." Blane said looking at me.

Did the bad boy seriously just apologize to me??

"It's cool." I said.

Blane smiles but then his face turned into hard cold stone when I felt two strong arms whip around.

"What the hell happened to you?! I leave you alone for 5 minuets!" Connor yelled.

"I don't know. Clumsy people I guess." I said as I turned around to see Blane already gone.

I half heartedly  smiled  at the memory, who to say that now I would've fallen in love with the bad boy of our school.

I drank my chocolate milk and decided to wander down the hallway to see my room.

Paper, pictures, even clothes were still laying all over my floor. It truly looked like a tornado ran through here.

It was still odd to me that these people were in my room. Why not Logan's?

The picketing of the front door snapped me out of my thoughts.

I smiled thinking Logan was the culprit of twisting the door knob at such late hours.

He was home! I walked excitedly to the front door to open it excited about my present. I was actually smiling a true genuine smile, it had been a while since I've created one of those. But my smile quickly vanished as my face was met with a funny smelling cloth and I saw the same two men from earlier catch me as I fell.

Chloroform. Fucking hell.

Sorry for any errors!! I didn't go back through and proofread through this chapter!! Enjoy❤️

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