Chapter Four

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I was making my way towards the doubles doors of the school, while trying to hide from the flares everyone was giving me.

I could hear a few whispering calling me a slut, claiming I was cheating on Connor with the big bad wolf.

Ugh. Please.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to my locker.

I got read for first period but not before Riley, the most popular girl in school, who can't forget has a huge crush on Conor, bumped into me.

"Oh heya, did not see you there." She said with a fake sympathetic look on her face.

"Don't sweat it." I replied looking at her with annoyed expression.

I was about to walk away when one of her sluts poured her cup of water all over my face.

"What the fuck?! Bitch!" I exclaimed.

"Blane he is mine. Stay away." Riley said. "Oh and sorry, guess she miss placed the trash can with you."

They laughed as they walk away prancing like the 8 little reindeer.

Seriously?! She's always wanted Connor, oh but now that she's seen me with a Blane that's who she wants.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to see the damage of my foundation coming off my face as I dabbed dried my face.

I rummaged through my bag only to find no makeup what so ever.

Fucking great.

Looks like I'm ditching.

I pulled my hood up and quickly scurried out of school before someone could see me.

I started to let tears drop down because I was just so done. With everyone, everything.

"Hey sweetheart!" I heard that familiar voice yell at me.

I pretended like I didn't hear him, until I could hear his footsteps closing in my behind me.

"Ditching now are we?" He asked I could hear the grin through his voice.

"Uh yeah." I said continuing to walk towards my house but Blane followed in step with me. I made sure to keep my head down so he couldn't see the markings on my face.

"Let me give you a ride then." He said reaching for my arm but out of instinct I jerked it away.

He instantly saw and said "I'm not gonna hurt you, I was just trying to get your attention. Im sorry." He explained.

"It's fine. Yeah you can give me a ride. Don't you even dare make a joke. Not in the mood." I said sternly.

"Yes ma'am." He said as he walked to his bike.

I hopped on but kept a hold of my hood.

As we drove down my new street I made sure to show him the way to the new place. We pull up in a driveway that did not belong to my new home.

"What-" I began to ask but he cut me off.

"Looks like we are neighbors sweetheart." He said getting off the bike.

I climbed off the back but looked down as I thanked him and scurried to my new home.

"Sweetheart!" I could hear him yell.

"What?" I yelled back.

"Might as well invite me in." He said scurrying after me.

"Fine." I said as I walked into my new home. It wasn't as different as our other one, but I walked up the steps and looked for my room.

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