Chapter 43

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It's been at least a month of me laying here in this bed, with a dark room, and wearing Blanes shirt. I've barely ate and have barely even had enough energy to even shower.

I was numb.

Everytime I closed my eyes all I could see was Blanes lifeless body on the ground. He looked dead.

Was he?

Logan and a few men left to see how much rioting the other gangs and what was left of my fathers were doing. Also to check on the casualties of their own so they knew how many more men they needed to recruit before my fathers gang rebeled against us.

Logan left three days ago.

I was alone in this stupid house that we were staying at. I was constantly wondering about Blane and if there was a chance that he made it, also if Logan and the boys were okay. It was so much to handle.

I got up shakily as I walked to the bathroom and looked for anything to put me to sleep. I was dying to get away from all these thoughts.

Then I heard the door open.

I went into survival mode and grabbed my gun off the nightstand slowly rounded my doorway to look down the hall.

He was tall, dark short hair and had a black hoodie on but he was turned around so I couldn't see his face.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled with my pistol pointed straight at him.

The man turned around and had a look of shock on his face, my face on the other hand turned into a huge smile.

"AARON!!!!" I screamed in excitement as I put my gun on safety and ran into his open arms.

I hugged him tight as he spun me around.

He went to release me but I told him "No don't let go."

"Okay spark." Aaron said calling me by the nickname he gave me when we first met.

"I've missed you so much." I said.

"I've missed you more and I'm so sorry about everything. I would be giving you a lecture on dating biker boys but I feel that the time is not now." He said scoffing.

"Yeah.." I said walking into the kitchen. "So what you doing here?"

"Well Logan called said they would be a few more days and that you needed some company." He explained.

"You are right about that. But I've mainly been just sleeping-" I was cut off.

"Not eating, looking for pills to make you sleep even more, crying, not showering. Yeah I know. First things first is we are giving your ass a shower." He said.

"But I-" I tried to protest.

"If you don't take a shower I will bathe you myself and you and me both know I'm not lying. I'm not going to watch you fall apart in front of me, I'm taking care of you just like you've always taken care of me. Let's go." He said as he walked down the hall and into the bathroom to start a shower.

I began to cry and Aaron pulled me into a hug.

"Shhhh.." he whispered as he kissed my forehead. "It's okay. It's going to be okay."

He just reminded me of blane and how caring Blane really was with me. But Aaron was always that way, to everyone unless he had a bone to pick with you. He wasn't very keen to open up but when I found him in an alley with a needle in his arm I made him talk. I took him home and made sure Logan didn't know he was using, using is forbidden in the gang especially heroin, now marijuana was different. I nursed him back to him and made him start caring for himself again.

Now he was here doing the same for me. Except I didn't want it to be him, I didn't want him here except I did, I just wanted it to be Blane.

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