Chapter 52

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We were finally back home. Logan and Aaron helped me and Blane take all our luggage in and Logan gave me a hug bye, they said they would be back in the morning.

I walked into the living room and snuggled up on the couch and Blane cuddled up next to me.

"Scary movie?" Blane asked.

I shook my head yes.

It felt so good to be back home, back to normal.

"This is nice." Blane said as he hugged my tighter.

"Yes it is." I said.

He started kissing my neck making my breath hitch making him smile on my neck.

I moved my body towards his leaning in to meet his lips.

Just before it was begging to get hot and heavy, my phone rang.

I moaned in annoyance as I went to pick it up.

"Lacey??" I could hear Aaron saying panicky.

"Yeah what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked hearing Aaron's shaky breathing on the phone.

"I'm fine, it's-"

"No. No, no, no. You are lying. He is fine." I said while my heart rate began to pick up as I felt this horrible pit in my stomach.

"No. Lacey he isn't fine. He isn't alive enough to be fine." Aaron said.

"Wait- are you saying?" I asked trying to hold back the sob in my throat.

"Lacey. Logan was shot to death. We had gotten to a rest stop and he went to get a drink, then all I heard was gunshots. But when I got there Lacey there wasn't any helping him."

"No! You are lying to me!! Who the fuck did this?!" I yelled letting tears stream down my face. I felt blane wrap his arms behind me and trying to hold my shaking body.

"Lacey idk! They were wearing all black. I'm trying to track their car down now."

"AHHH!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and shoving Blane off of me while throwing my phone across the room.

"They fucking killed him! They killed Logan!! They fucking killed him!!" I just kept screaming for what must have been hours till I collapsed on the floor completely exhausted.

Blane laid next to me running circles on my back and trying his best to use his sweet words to calm me down but nothing was helping.

After while I fell asleep, but only to wake up in my room with Blane holding me.

I was fumed with anger.

I carefully got out of Blanes arms and grabbed a bag and began to pack.

If they wanted a fucking Queen, well they finally fucking got one. I will run both these damn cities and kill anyone who had any part of my cousins death.

I didn't care about Blane, or Aaron, or about my own life. All I cared about was revenge for my cousin. That's all I wanted. That's how I became the queen of two cities, that's how I officially became the lil ripper.

A few more chapters left till the ending!! I'm sorry I'm late on the update, it was a long week! I hope you guys enjoy!! Just FYI not everything is what you might think😏 Love you all❤️

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