Chapter 44

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I had showered but didn't feel any better. I laid in bed cuddled up underneath the blankets watching the rain hit the window I was emotionally exhausted. The turmoil of not knowing if Blane was dead or not was seriously fucking with my mental health. If he was dead wouldn't I know deep down inside? I just I knew something was wrong but it was almost like I could still feel that he was still alive.

"Hungry?" Aaron asked.

I shook my head no and rolled over.

I felt the bed dip beside me and arms wrapped around me.

"You have to eat lace." He said in my hair.

"I know. I'm just not hungry." I replied.

"You are going to loose that ass of yours if you don't eat." Aaron said with a smirk on his face.

I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Hey now!"

"Shut up." I said slightly laughing.

I let Aaron hold me as my eyes could no longer stay open while listening to the sound of the rain hitting the window. It looked like such a peaceful storm, no thunder or lighting, just droplets of water raining down on earth. Like it was washing all of my sadness away, it was a great day for hot cocoa and a good book. But I couldn't bring myself to enjoy a good book, not without Blane here staring at me the way he does when I read or annoying me, or even having his arms wrapped around my waist with his head in my lap asking me to read the book to him. Even though he would fall asleep while I played with his curly hair.

I was in a good slumber when I heard a phone ring, I was to lazy and groggy to pick it up but then realized it was Aaron's, all I heard was Aaron saying that he was happy Logan find new recruits, I was to emotionally and mentally tired I couldn't keep myself awake long enough to hear if anything was said about Blane.

Instead I dreamt of him holding me tight, whispering "I love you" in my ear and the sound of his heart beat picking up when my fingers traced over his chest. God I would give anything just to see him and be able to touch him, kiss him, and feel his warmth on my body.

Short chapter I know, I've been trying to find time to update but being a healthcare worker at this time right now has me working a lot of hours!! I hope everyone is safe during this time!! I'm off all next week so I'll be updating a lot during that time!!❤️

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