Chapter Nine

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I watched Lacey walk into the kitchen, I waited till she was out of earshot.

"Hey ya what's up?" I asked into the phone.

"Is lacey good?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, she had a run in with Connor last night, but she shot him and called the cops. They charged him with aggravated burgarly." I replied hoping to God he wasn't about to get pissed.

"Haha that's my cuz!" Logan said proudly into the phone.

"She does have a bruise on her neck from the altercation." I said.

"Fuck that dude man. But she got payback that's what matters. Look Wolfie I know there was no way you could be there and if you were you would've protected her." Logan said.

"I would never let anything happen to her." I said seriously.

"Good. Look I got a thing I need to ask you." Logan said.

"What's up?" I asked

"I need you to take Lacey somewhere different, get her out of Chelsea, get her out of the state. The dudes from the drive by know who she is, who her father is, she is in danger." Logan said I could hear the anger and frustration in his voice.

"You got it." I said and hung up.

I walked down the stairs and watched Lacey pop some bread in the toaster.

God she was so beautiful.

Her short brown hair gave her the perfect Little Rock chic look, she pulled it off for sure.

Her sweats hid her nice ass but hugged at her hips, she had small curves that complimented her and that I loved looking at.

Let's not forget that she isn't anything what I thought she was. I thought she was this goody two shoes, but she's pretty badass if you ask me.

"Hey sweetheart, after breakfast I need you to pack your bags we are going a way for a while." I sad.

"Why? Logan?" She asked already knowing what was up.

I gave her a look.

"Okay. How long?" She asked without asking any questions.

"Till he says we can come back." I replied.

"Okay." She said. "Where we gonna go? How about Alaska? I have always wanted to go there!"She said with excitement in her eyes.

"I am not for sure. I guess we will see where the road takes us." I said back grinning.

She smiled back before she took a bite out of her toast.

God that smile made my stomach do summer salts. This road trip is gonna kill me, I don't know how I'm going to be able to control myself around her.

But I can not fall in love with her. Remember that Blane, do not fall. If you fall and she finds out you know who her father is, knows that you know everything, you will loose her.

But lord knows it will be hard not too, but I can't. The life I live is to dangerous let alone I don't deserve someone as good as her, she doesn't deserve someone as bad as me, she deserves the fucking world.

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