Chapter 50

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We drove by the smoking van, smoke was coming out from the hood of the van. The front end of the van was smashed as it had collided with the tree, the front windshield even looked smashed.

"You stay put." Logan told me.

I was suprised at myself at how I obeyed and didnt even protest. I believe it was due to the numbness of my feet and legs from running in the snow.

"Baby get up so I can get out." Blane said.

"But you are injured, let logan take care of it." I said as logan closed the drivers door.

"Lacey these men tried to rape you and take you away from me. Im fucking them up so move." Blane said.

I sat there in the passenger seat as all three of the men walked to the van pouting. I understood blanes reasoning for wanting revenge but he was still injured i mean he was using crutches for christ sakes.

I watched them open the back of the van and heard 5 gun shots. Well they are for sure dead now.

They all walked back to the car and I climbed into the backseat with Aaron.

'They are both dead. There were only two of them right?" Blane asked.

I shook my head and put my seatbelt on as we drove to the airport to go home. I knew things were going to change, apparently im the queen of two cities now. What the hell was I going to do? As much as I enjoyed living life on the edge I still wanted to go to college, live a normal fucking life away from all of this, but then again having this much powerwas thrilling and I could make some serious changes with this power.

But I still didnt know what to do or even how to go about running a gang. Everything I learned was from Logan, I mean yeah sure he ran this gang but our town is so small. How the fuck do I run a place like london or my dads city? I nibbled on the inside on my cheek as I began to overhtink every possible situatuion, Blane and my family would still always be in constant danger cause every queen has her enemies. Is ther even a way I could get me and Blane out? Was getting out of this gang life even possible if im now the queen?

We came to a stop as we pulled intot he airport, I was beyond exhausted.

"Here."Blane said handing me some sweats. I took them and pulled them on.

"Hey use these wipes to wipe that dick blood off your mouth lil ripper." Logan said while ruffing up my hair, i chuckled a laugh and wiped my face before we boarded our plane.

Blane sat beside me and i snuggled into his neck as the plane began to lift off towards home, I drifted off iinto a deep sleep in his arms feeling ever so safe and overjoyed with happiness that I was here with him.

I know boring chapter, I apologize. Sorry for any errors! I will be updating another chpater later tonight! Love you guys!

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