Chapter 20

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After days of driving we finally made it to Wisconsin. Blane had mentioned that there was a safe house here.

Good thing I packed winter clothes, cause it sure was cold here in the fall.

"We are about 10 miles away." Blane said.

"Thank god. I'm tired of this stupid car" I said.

The last few days had been okay, but Blane was acting somewhat distant. He was normal than he wasn't, something was bothering him.

We still hadn't shared a kiss since that one night, the only thing he has done is hold my hand when we walk into a store or something. I was just itching for him to kiss me again.

A little while later we pull down a dirt road that's covered above with trees. It was breathtaking.

Miles of land with millions of colored leaves hugging the ground providing the grass with warmth.

"Pretty isn't it?" Blane asked.

"Yes. Breathtaking." I replied.

"We are here." Blane said as we pulled through a huge set of black gates.

All of sudden all I could here were shots being fired, I immediately ducked for cover and closed my eyes.

Wtf is going on?!

The shots kept going off, some hitting the cars windshield breaking it on impact. I felt glass shatter over my backside, some glass pieces falling down the backside of my shirt.

"Blane!" I yelled.

I didn't hear anything but shots.

"BLANE!" I yelled louder hoping to hear his voice but my hopes were damaged when I was ripped from the car and thrown to the ground.

"Fuck you!" I yelled as i tried to stand back up only to be pushed to the ground again with a gun stuck in my face.

"Who are you?!" The guy demands.

"Wouldn't you want to know." I replied, only to get head checked by the end of his pistol.

I fell to the ground in pain as I felt blood trickle down my face.

"LACEY!! LACE COME ON SAY SOMETHING TO ME DAMMIT!" I heard Blane yell, he seemed miles away.

"BLANE!!" I screamed.

Feeling content that Blane was alive.

"Wait Lacey? Lacey Rene?" The guy with the pistol asked.

"Yeah what's it to you?" I asked.

"Fuck I'm so sorry about your head. Boss is gonna kill me." He replied.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I asked as he made me stand up.

"LACEY! DONT FUCKING LISTEN TO HIM!" I heard Blane yell only to whip around to see him get jumped by 5 other men.


They all stopped and stared at me and laughed, then went back to beating Blane to a pulp.

Oh hell no.

I turned around to face the man who has me at arms length.

"What do you want from us?" I asked.

"Well boss wants you to come back home honey." He replied as he began to lead me away from Blane.

No. Not today Satan.

I pulled my leg up and stomped my boot into his foot causing him to yell curse words at me before I took my knee to his face.

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