Chapter Ten

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I packed two suitcases, yes I know a shit ton of stuff. But I had no idea where we were going so I packed summer shit in one and winter/fall shit in the other.

"Blane! I'm ready!" I yelled.

I heard his footsteps coming up to my room.

"I'll get the bags go ahead and get in the car." He told me.

I nodded in response and went down to the car.

I sat in the passenger side waiting for Blane to fill the drivers seat. I didn't understand why he trusted Blane with me, Logan must have some kind of tie with him that I have no idea about.

Maybe they communicated over the phone a lot for jobs and that's how he trusts him.


"Let's go." Blane said as he started the engine.

We drove in silence for a while, not awkward just enjoying the drive kind of silence.

I looked over at Blane. His blonde curly hair flew in his face and he kept running his fingers through t pushing it back, only make him have more of a sex appeal.

I couldn't stand it, the black leather jacket just fit so well with his personality. He was just so damn hot.

"Like something you see sweetheart?" Blane asked with a smirk playing on his lips.

Well fuck. Way to go Lacey.

"Nah you wish." I replied rolling my eyes trying to hide the fact that I was totally checking him out.

"Whatever you say hun." He replied laughing a little while turning up the radio.

I began to feel pretty tired as we drove into a storm, the rain hitting windows and watching it rail down was making me even more sleepier. I began to drift off in dreamland.

I was half asleep when I began to hear Blane softly sing to one of the songs on the radio.

His singing made me drift even further into sleep with a smile on my face.

I was going to be alone with freaking Blane, totally alone for god only knows how long. I knew that this was going to be fun but it could also destroy me. I mean his blue eyes and his smile were going to wreck my world, I just knew it.

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