Chapter 17

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We were speeding down the highway, cutting off cars, switching lanes. We had be doing at least 100.

I looked at Blane and he had guilt and anger written all over his face.

I looked to his stomach to only see the blood stain grow bigger.

I could tell he was in pain by the way he kept shifting the weight on his body from one side to the other as he drove, but you could barely see it on his face because of all the matted dried blood and cuts.

He was still running on adrenaline as he kept drifting each turn.

About an hour or so passed and we pulled into a hotel in Missouri. We back tracked.

He got out and limped to the front desk, but wrapped his jacket around himself so the clerk could only see his busted up face.

He walks back out and takes us to the room.

"I got the bags." I said as I went to the popped trunk.

"Let me help." He said.

"No, your bleeding. You need to get inside and lay down."

He gave me this look then huffed and walked into our room.

I brought the bags in and went through my suitcase to find the medical kit I always take with me on trips like these, especially with Logan.

I sat on the edge of the bed.
"Pull your shirt off." I said as I got some bandages and hydrogen peroxide.

"Already trying to get me naked?" He asked with a smirk.

"Shut up and let me clean your wound."

He took his shirt off and I had to control the heat that threaten to show up on my cheeks as I touched his stomach and began to clean the wound.

After that I bandaged his stomach wound and went to his face, cleaning each cut and putting a sterile bandage on each one.

Finally, I can see his handsome face again.

"Your turn." He said.

I gave him a weird look.

"Sit." He said.

I did as I was told to do and he did the same thing to my face.

He was dabbing the cut on my jaw as he looked into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry about today Lacey, I didn't know there were three of them. I only saw two. I should've never ever let you go to the car alone. I'm so fucking sorry this man hit you and made you kis-."

I cut him off "Stop. I got him back didn't I? I fought back and got away. That's all that matter is that we are okay." I said as I looked deep into his eyes.

We stared at each other for a while, looking from each other's eyes to each other's lips, until Blane looked away and kept dabbing my cut.

"Did you fight back to Connor?" He asked not looking at me.

"Yes. I always did. I just never would win." I said.

He nodded in response as he finished up with my face.

He put the kit away and laid down on the other side of the bed and yawned, only to make me yawn too.

I went to my bag and changed into PJs in the bathroom, then climbed into bed on the other side.

"Lace?" Blane asked after several minutes go by.

"Yeah?" I asked as my stomach started to erupt with butterflies.

"Cuddle?" He asked.

I laughed as I rolled over and layed my head on his chest, "of course, especially after today." I stated.

I felt his arms tighten around me as he held me close and rested his chin on my head, before giving my forehead a kiss.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight Blane."

I fell asleep listening to the bad boys heart beat against my ears like music.

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