Chapter 24

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We got to the airport and boarded the plane.

Christian has been super flirty the whole way here and now he has his arm around my waist, don't get me wrong it was nice seeing Blane be all jealous, but it just felt wrong.

I could see Blane's eyes roll everytime Christian made a flirty comment.

We found our seats on the plane and I was seated next to Blane and Christian, literally right in the middle of them two.

"How does a girl like you not have a boyfriend?" Christian asked as he pushed my hair behind my shoulder.

"The ripper." I replied.

"Dude just back off ight?" Blane said.

"What? Jealous?" Christian said.

Blane just rolled his eyes.

"Your hand looks heavy sweetheart, let me hold it for you." Christian said.

"That was the most stupidest pick up line I've ever heard." I said laughing.

"But did it work?" Christian asked smirking.

I just smiled and rolled my eyes as he held my hand.

"Okay no." Blane said as he took my hand out of Christians.

"Dude wtf." Christian said.

"Get up Lacey and come with me. Now." Blane said as he got out into the aisle.

I did as I was told and followed him I tot he bathroom.

"What the fuck are you doing with that asshole?!" Blane said with anger in his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing with that slut who gave you a hickey?!" I said back crossing my arms.

He ran his hands through his hair.

"It's not what you think Lace. She started kissing my neck trying to seduce me but I picked her up and threw off the bed, I told her no."

"Yeah okay." I said rolling me eyes.

"Lacey I'm serious! I don't want her!"

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because." He said.

"Because why Blane?" I asked but he stayed silent.

I moved toward the door to open it done with this conversation, but only to be whipped around and pushed up against it.

"Because all I want is you. I want you Lacey Rene. You. I want you to be mine." Blane confessed. " But Logan is putting obstacles in my way to try to make it where I can't have you. But I want you. I need you. You make me feel things that I've never felt before Lace." He said looking straight into my eyes.

I was speechless.

"Lacey?" He asked.

"I-" I began to say but my lips were met with his.

The kiss was filled with passion and hunger. I ran my hands through his hair and tugged on it, making him moan, as he went in for my neck.

"I'm the only one who can kiss your neck, touch you, kiss you, and fuck you. Understand?" He said whispering huskily in my ear.

I pulled onto his hair making his head cock to the side, kissing his neck.

"I'm the only one who gets to make marks on your neck and make you moan. Understand?" I said.

His eyes went dark as he took both my hands and put them above my head, leaning into where his lips were inches from mine.

"You are mine Lacey Rene." Blane said.

Then he kissed me one last time, before Christian banged on the door.

"Bro. We have a problem."

"Fuck." I heard Blane mumble under his breath as he unlocked the door.

His hair was all messed up and I now had a hickey from Wolfie.

Christian smirked. "See I knew you'd finally mark your territory if I just gave you a little push."

"Oh shut up." Blane said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Jack." Christian said.

Fucking great.

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