Chapter Eight

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I woke up to the sun shining throw my balcony doors.

"Ugh." I said looking at my clock, it was 7am.

So much for sleeping in on fall break.

I rolled over to my side to block out the sunshine and closed my eyes.

I began to remember all the events that took place the night before and how Blane showed up very late, missed everything.

Fuck him.

I decided to crawl out of bed, but as I did I almost stepped on Blane who was cuddled up on a makeshift pallet on the floor of my bedroom.

I rolled my eyes and envied his sleeping state.

I ignored his snores and walked into my bathroom to begin a shower.

I stripped down naked and looked at myself in the mirror utterly frightened.

"No, no, no!" I yelled in anger as I saw the bruise forming around my neck.

"Why?!" I yelled again at my reflection.

I let tears form in my eyes and went ahead and let them fall as I got into the shower.

Fuck my life.

"Sweetheart, you okay?" I heard Blane ask through the door, hearing concern in his voice.

I refused to answer. He should've been there. After all I was the fucking job for two nights.

"Sweetheart?" I heard Blane ask softly with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Still I continued to not answer him.

"Sweetheart answer the damn door or I am breaking it down!" I could hear him yell, his voice filled with urgency and anger.

But before he could utter another word I turned the shower off, put my robe on and wrapped my hair in the towel and opened the door myself.

"All yours." I said giving him an anger filled expression as I walked into my room out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I continued to ignore him.

"Lacey! Answer me dammit!" He yelled at me.

I refused to answer or even look at him so I continued to my closet to find something to be lazy in for the day.

I closed the closet door behind me and could hear Blane pace back and forth as I changed into sweats and a hoodie.

I opened the door only to be bombarded by him once again.

"Lacey! What the fuck is wrong?!" He asked me again but I continued to walk out of my room.

That was cut short by Blane grabbing my arm and whipping me towards him.

"Answer me Lacey. Please. What is-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as his hands traveled from cupping my cheeks into his hands to the soft bruise of a hand on my neck.

His eyes met with mine and I could see nothing but anger infuriating his vision.

"Happy now? That's what's wrong Blane." I said without breaking eye contact.

"How did this even happen, sweet-"

"Fuck off Blane. You were supposed to be here asshole! Connor fucking happened. But luckily for me I shot him, so did another cop. So he is actually in prison for aggravated burgarly. Oh and no thanx to you. What was so much more important than doing your own god damn job Blane?! Huh?!" I spat at him.

I was so angry at him. At Connor. At everything.

"Sweetheart. I am so sorry, something came up. I had to go help, if I would've known, I would've came back." He states.

I scoffed. "I called asshole. Twice. But you can inform Logan of all this yourself." I said begging to walk downstairs.

"That's what I had to help with Lacey. Logan called." Blane said.

Of course he did. I felt guilty for being selfish but I was still angry.

"Is he okay?" I asked worried of my cousins state.

"Yes. Him and Dinger got caught in a drive by, that's all I can say at the moment." Blane said.

I met his gaze and could see the concern and anger still lingering in his eyes.

"I am so sorry sweetheart. I swear the last thing I would want to do is have you hurt." Blane said as he reached to put a strand of my wet hair behind my ear.
I instinctively looked down at his lips then back at his icy blue eyes, I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"Don't do that." Blane said huskily.

"Do what?" I asked nervously biting my lip again, knowing damn well my lip biting is what he was talking about.

"That." He said looking at me biting down on my bottom lip.

"Or what, huh?" I asked as I placed my hands on his chest.

He gripped my waist tightly and pushed me up against hallway wall.

His hands were gripping my waist as his eyes held nothing but lust and hunger.

He inched closer to my face. We were now inches apart and our noses were touching.

He got so close to my lips with his that I couldn't help my heart from literally beating out of my chest.

"Not so cocky now huh?" He asked seductively.

Knowing I had lost most of my confidence with being so close to Blanes lips, I managed to keep a foot on the ground.

I leaned in closer to where our lips were slightly touching and replied,

"I'm the rippers cousin, you really think I'll let you, out of all people have a hold on me?" I replied.

"We will see after this." He said.

"After W-?" But before I could ask his lips crashed with mine.

The kiss held so much hunger and passion that I was literally melting. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep a hold on my own self any longer. I leaned in more to deepen the kiss and pulled his bottom lip in between my teeth, biting it lightly.

Which made Blane moan.

He immediately pulled away.

"Fuck, Lacey." He said breathlessly looking straight into my eyes as I saw a flash of some unknown emotion in his eyes.

"What? The bad boy loosing his grip?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

He smirked and stepped back.

"I don't loose my grip for no one. Especially a girl like you." He said scoffing.

" really? So you are telling me any girl could make you that hard with a just a little kiss?" I asked pointing down to the bulge in his sweatpants.

I started my way down the stairs laughing.

"Hey sweetheart." Blane said from the top of the stair case.

"What asshole?" I asked back with a smirk on my face, looking up to him from the bottom of the stairs.

"Game on." He said smirking and winked at me as he  took a call.

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