Chapter 22

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I watched Lacey walk up the stairs to Kelsie so she could dye her hair. I loved her hair the way it was, but I mean it is what it is. She would make a super sexy red head.

As I was thinking about Lacey as a red head, I also began to think about what she thought about Kelsie. I saw the annoyed look in her face as Kelsie kept touching me. I was so close to tell her that I told logan I had feelings for her, so close.

Just then Laceys phone buzzed. I walked to it to check the caller ID.

Jack💜 calling...

Oh hell to the fucking no. No wonder those men found us, Jack was tracking Lacey through her phone!!

After the call ended there were three texts from him:

Babe are you okay??

I heard you got attacked!

Where are you?? I'm worried. Call me. I love you.

No. I grabbed her phone and threw it done the sink letting the garbage disposal dispose of it.

Took out my phone and texted Logan about Jack contacting Lacey and that she needed a new phone.


I was furious. Fucking Jack, he will not take what's mine away from me.

"What's up? Everything okay?" I heard her. I was still standing over the sink, not looking behind me to see her walking closer towards me.

"No everything is not allright. You've been in contact with Jack. "

"So? He is my bestfriend." She replied, I could hear her voice coming closer.

"No Lace he is the enemy. He sent those guys here, he's been tracking you from your phone."

"W-what?" She asked, I knew she was standing right behind me now, I turned around and pulled her into a hug.

"He's the enemy Lace. No more talking to him."

"Okay." She mumbled into my chest. "I promise."

Then we pulled apart hearing Kelsie come down the stairs.

Holy fuck.

"So you like?" Lacey asked smiling.

"Wait did I just say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yes, yes you did."

"Fuck yes I like. You look so fucking hot." I replied putting a piece of her red hair behind her ear.

"Alright Blane we need to catch up on some things and give you a new look." Kelsie said winking.

I nodded my head and began to follow her up the stairs, but looking back at Lacey and giving her a wink as I looked her up and down, that cause her to bite her lip and roll her eyes at me.

God damn this girl.


Jack? Really? Why would he ever do anything to hurt me?

I looked around for my phone only to find it in the sink.

I thought Jack was my bestfriend. Why the hell would he do something like this?

I took a seat in the living room and was alone with my thoughts.

Only for them to wonder about Blane and what Kelsie and him were doing.

I kept hearing her annoying ass giggles from the stairs.


Just then doorbell rang. What now?

"Yes?" I asked as I opened the door only to find another sex god standing in front of me. He had green eyes, jet black hair and a neck tattoo. He had tan skin that only made his eyes more green.

"Hi there sweetheart." He said.

"Hi. Who are you?" I asked.

"Christian. Nice to meet you Lacey." He said.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

He turned around to show me his jacket, letting me know he was part of the MC.

"Come in." I said opening the door.

He was dressed in all black, like why the hell did my cousin keep me away from all these gods? Like I'm drooling.

"Like something you see?" He asked while walking to the kitchen.

"Maybe, maybe not." I replied as he smirked.

"How's the gang life treating you little ripper?" He asked.

"Little ripper? Seriously?" I asked.

"Well I mean word is you can kick some serious ass." He said. "And judging by the way those jeans hug your curves, you got a nice one too." He continued as he walked towards me as he took a bite out of his apple.

"Would you like to know." I replied not moving as he kept advancing towards me.

"Oh sweetheart," he said as he put a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned down to where our lips were inches apart, "I most certainly would."

I looked down at his lips, then to his eyes, nervously biting my bottom lip.

"To bad you'll never find out." I said.

"Wanna bet?" He asked as he gently grabbed a handful of hair making my breath hitch.

I moved my head to the side and pressed my lips to his neck, "I'd be careful, I bite." I said smirking as I could feel his breath hitch as my lips softly pressed against his neck.

"So do I." He replied as he slightly bit my neck making me moan.

"Back tf up Chris."

"Watch the attitude Wolfie, might get you in trouble." Christian said as he moved away towards me, sending a wink my way.

I gave him one right back as I saw the hickey that possessed Blane's neck.

Sluts. Only right if I act like one too, right?

"What do you want?" Blane asked as I saw him tighten and untighten his saw. He looked pretty sexy with all his hair slicked back, wouldn't really call that a disguise, but hey whatever.

"Just a little room in the car to sit next to this cutie." Christian said as he pointed to me, I rolled my eyes.

"No." Blane said as he moved towards our bags and began to pick them up.

"Then where you suggest I sit?" He asked blane.

"What do you mean? You are not coming with us." He said in stern tone.

"Oh Wolfie, I am. Rippers orders." He said as he went to help me with suitcase.

"Fucking awesome." Blane said as we made our way out the door and loaded our bags into the car.

Fucking awesome? I'd say fucking awkward. What the hell am I going to do with not one, but two sex Gods accompanying to Alaska.

Lord help me.

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