Chapter Two

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"Look I am sorry, honestly I was just hiding from someone." I said my voice kind of choking as I began to feel more blood trickle down the back of my neck. I slwoly stepped out of the light so he wouldnt be able to see.

"Mhm, Okay whatever. You look familiar." Blane said.
"Uh yeah. Im Lacy you go to my school." I replied.

"Oh ya, conners girl."

"No! I am not his girl!" I exclaimed staring to fill my anger boil inside of me. "Damn touchy subject huh?"

"Im leaving now." I said and started to turn on my heels.

"Wait! Let me drive you home, just in case that someone you were hiding from comes back." He said.

I took him up on the offer out of fear that Conner might come back around the block.

I quickley wiped the fresh blood off of the back of my neck with my black sleeve from my hoodie so Blane would not notice and I pulled my hood up as well.

"Hop on."

I did as I was told and waitied for him to kick the stand and drive off but he paused.

"Damn, not even a protest to get on the bike?" He asked in disbelief. Mainly because the girls he gets around with are little sissys.

"Its a 76 harley, why would I even think about protesting."I replied.

"Wooo, girl knows her bikes!" He said with suprise in his voice.

He revved the engine and there we sped off down the street till we reached my house.

HE killed the engine and I hopped off.

"Thanx." I siad while walking up to my doorstep.

"No problem Lace, see ya around." Blane said before getting back on his bike and speeding off.

I opened the door to my house and saw what little damage was done before hand. I bent down to pick up the pictures that fell from the table that I collided with earlier and put them back in their proper arrangements. I slowly walked up the steps to my bedroom and laid out some pajamas, then walked to the bathroom.

I stopped at the door frame and prepared myself to see what lies within the mirror. I decided to just rip the bandaid off and walked in and turned the light on.

I looked at my already bruised cheekbone and noticed a small cut from the ring that was on his finger when he collided his fist with my face. Not to bad, i could cover that up with makeup.

I grabbed a makeup mirror and pulled my hoodie down, turned around so I could see what had been done to my head.

I pushed back my short brunette hair to see a gash at the back of my hair, along with matted blood knotted into my hair. Great.

I turned the shower on and stripped down. I stood there with my hand under the water waiting for the right temperaure and then hopped in.

I carefully washed my hair and winsing everytime my wound stung with pain.

I got out of the shower and put my pajamas on, pulled my covers out from their tucked corners. I hear my name being yelled from downstairs.


I quickley wrapped my hair in a low ponytail so I could hide my head wound.

"UP here!" I yelled back.

I heard his feet hitting every footstep as he climbed the stairs.

"Sup lil cuz? You have a good night?" He asked.

I looked at him and i let anger along with sadness peek through my un emotional face. "It was okay." I replied.

He knew exactly what I was hiding. He knew, he could see it in my face.

" We are moving a coupld blocks down, onto cedar street in the morning. I bought you a new phone, and Connor is being shipped to rehab." He replied as he walked closer to me.

"Rehab?" I asked confused. Connor doesnt do drugs.

"Yes. He got caught with some very illegal stuff a few hours ago. His parents are shipping him off to rehab in California. He wont be around for a while." He replied.

I knew he was the one who planted them there. I quickely pulled him into an embrace.

"Thank you." I said muffled into his shirt.

My cousin just rubbed circles on my back. There have been multiple times where Logan tried to kill Connor, but him being on probation I made him stop. I couldnt risk loosing m only family member I had left again.

He kissed my forehead and I climbed into bed as he shut my bedroom door on his way out.

I slept that night with ease knowing in the morning I would be in a new house, to create new memories and not have to be surrounded with flashbacks of Connor ruining me.

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