Chapter 51

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I woke up to Blane softly kissing my cheek, my nose, and lastly my lips. I smiled into his kiss.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty." He said smiling as he placed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Good morning love." I said smiling back at him.

"We already here?" I asked.

"Yes just landed." He said.

"I'll grab our bags." I said stepping into the aisle.

"Uh no." Blane said standing in front of me.

"Babe you are in crutches." I said furrowing my eyebrows. He was not serious.

"I'll be fine." Blane said.

"Uh nope we will take that." Aaron said grabbing our luggage and tossing some to Logan.

I rolled my eyes.

I followed them to the car and we all hopped in. It felt so good to be back home, I stared at the window at all the farmlands before we made it into town.

I was starving.

"Can we get some food from Main Street?" I asked.

Logan nodded his head.

"Hey." Blane said.

"What?" I asked turning to look at him.

"I love you." He said as he pecked my cheek only to whisper into my ear, "we get the house all to ourselves tonight."

I smiled devishly as butterflies erupted into my stomach.

I gave him a "is that so?" Look and he just nodded his head as he held my hand.

"Let's go." Logan said as the car parked in front of the Main Street diner.

I was still wearing Blanes bloody shirt and his sweats. I probably looked like someone from one of those survival reality tv shows. I still hadn't even showered and I felt beyond disgusting.


We all piled into a booth as our waiter took our drink orders.

"Dr. Pepper please." I said.

"Wait Lacey? Is that really you?" The waiter asked.

"Yup that's me." I said looking up to see the waiter.

"No way!" I exclaimed as I jumped up and gave him a big hug, as he spinned me around.

"I can't believe it's you!" I exclaimed. "When did you start working here?" I asked as he released me from our hug.

"Last month." He said smiling. "It's so good to see you, I heard about your cousin leaving town and you. Kinda got concerned." He said.

"Awww was the little joker worried about me?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah I was you little brat." He said giving me another hug while ruffling up my hair.

"Sup Logan." He said as him and Logan did that stupid handshake guys do.

"Aaron." Joker said as Aaron playfully punched him in the arm.

"Where is that piece of meat you always got with you?" The joker asked.

"Woah, Aaron has a chick?" I asked. "When did this happen?"

Even Logan was asking about it.

"Okay guys shut up. We ain't a thing anymore aight?" Aaron sad.

Then joker began to make stupid baby noises mocking Aaron of his breakup.

I started laughing.

Then I heard someone clearing his throat.


He was not to happy about how he was left out of this little reunion.

"I'm Blane." He said as he stepped out the booth with an outstretched hand. "Laceys boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Joker. Me and Lacey went to middle school together. My mom would watch her when Logan would do runs." Joker said.

I gave Blane a pleading smile to play nice, trying to make sure he knew Joker had no alternative motive for hugging me.

"I'm going to put Y'alls drinks in." Joker said.

I sat down next to Blane in the booth and tried to hold his hand but he moved it.


I gave him a are you serious look and he just looked away.

Seriously. Joker was only being friendly and I wasn't even his type, let alone gender. I mean he has hot pink hair for Christ sakes.

I rolled my eyes and started talking to Logan and Aaron.

"Lacey." Logan said all serious which shifted the vibe at the table.

I looked up at him.

"You need to make a descion about all this. The two gangs that you are an heir too." Logan said.

"But why? I don't-" I started to say.

"If you don't one or the other will fight to try to kidnap you and produce someone who will run the city. You need to choose, if you don't you are putting not only yourself in danger but everyone else. You can choose one to rule or both. But even if you just choose one you'll still have enemies from the other. So choose wisely." Blane said sternly.

Jesus he was seriously about to piss me off.

"I- I don't know the first thing about being a leader of a gang." I said.

"Lucky for you, you got us." Aaron said smiling.

True. Aaron ran Logan's men over in Alaska and Logan ran the gang here.

"Let's just, lets just talk about happy things okay? I promise to make a choice soon but not right now." I said to the table.

"Ight lil cuzzo." Logan said as our food arrived.

"Hey Joker tell Henry I send him my love, also I better be invited to the wedding." I said giving him a wink.

"Okay. I will. You think he ain't going to want his only friend at the wedding? Girl." Joker said as he rolled his eyes.

I laughed.

"Wait joker is getting married?" Logan asked.

I shook my head yes.

"The fuck everyone out here getting cuffed and I'm over by myself." Logan said.

"Awww is the ripper getting the love blues." I said laughing.

"Shut up." Logan said.

I felt Blanes hand begin to rest on my thigh as he gave it a light squeeze, I looked into his direction as he mouthed I'm sorry.

I smiled at him.

"It's okay." I whispered.

He kept rubbing circles on my thigh and I was beginning to get even more butterflies in my stomach thinking about our night alone together. I just hoped there would be no gang talk and how I'm the queen of two gangs, how I have to choose, but filled with lots of very steamy moments.

Okay another semi boring chapter, I'm sorry! I promise the next chapter will be more enetertaining🙃 This is not edited. Love you guys.❤️

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