Chapter 36

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I was really trying to get Lacey off my mind and focus on this mission at hand, but it was really hard when Marie was grinding on me to the beat of the music. I had my hands around around her waist guiding her with the music as her ass kept grinding on my dick.

Marie turned around and laced her arms around my neck as my hands stayed on her waist as we continued to dance to the music.

I look around for Lacey to see her going back and forth to the bar to deleivering drinks to customers, but thats when I noticed a man stuffing a $20 dollar bill down her shirt as he let his fingers fall down her arm and she smiled.

What the fuck was that. Hell no. I tried to remind myself that she will get tips from sleezy men, especially with being as hot as she was. It was her job to look good to make extra money. She was doing her job and I was doing mine. I needed to remember that.

"Hey bad boy, whats on your mind?" Marie asked.

"Thinking about going to get another beer, you want another shot of tequila?" I asked.

"Make it two." She said with a wink before dropping her arms from my neck.

I pulled her in close and said "Will do sweetheart."

I walked to the bar and got our drinks trying to get another look at Lacey but couldnt find her.

I took the drinks back to Marie and did a shot of tequila with her.

I began to feel more confident, because by this time I had had at least 6 beers and about 5 shots of tequila.

"Lets dance." I said to Marie.

She pulled me onto the dance floor and she started to twerk on me, she wasnt half bad actually. I slapped her ass as she continued to grind on me.

She turned to face me and pulled my face to hers and bit her lip, I smashed my lips to hers and our tongues fought for dominance. I envisioned the person I was kissing was lacey, but it was hard because by now my heart was aching at how much this could hurt her if she saw.

I grabbed a fistful of Maries hair in my hand pulling her closer as our kisses began to get rougher by the second.

Marie pulled away. "Wow. Save some for later we have more dancing to do bad boy."

"Yes ma'ma." I replied with a chuckle.


I hadnt seen Blane all night, but it was super busy.

I have made at least $200 in tips and its only been a few hours, men were putting money down my shirt or around my waistband of my shorts. It was uncomfortable at first but one shot of whiskey I felt more relaxed.

I had just brought a few beers to a table of guys, one of the guys shoved a $20 in my top and let his fingers dangle down my arm, I smiled and that when I spotted Blane dancing with another girl, not even a few seconds later he was kissing her.

I felt my body go hot with anger, that piece of shit. If he wanted to play games, I could do that.

I started to flirt back with the man who gave me a $20 tip and was complimenting him on his hairsytle.

"Im Reese." He said.

"Im Lacey, pleasure to meet you." I replied.

"Will you let me buy you some drinks?" He asked.

"That would be awesome!" I replied.

Reese took my hand and guided me to the bar where he ordered three shots of whiskey.

I downed all three of them and began to already feel like I had no cares in the world.

"Wait right here." I told him.

"Hey christain I am taking a break!" I yelled over to christain as I ran to the DJ and asked him to play "Who Booty."

"Ready to see a girl go wild?" i asked Reese.

"Im always ready" He replied with a smirk on his face.

He really wasnt that bad looking, he had dark brown hair and pretty hazel eyes, he was pretty tan too, I could also tell he was fit by the way his shirt held onto his biceps.

I held out my hand to him as I pulled him up onto the bar.

I saw Christain give me a look of "what the fuck is happening right now." But i brushed it off and bgan to dance on one of the poles that attaches the bar to the roof.

I heard hoops and hollers, and some men telling me to take it off.

Thats exactly what I did too, I pulled my shrit off revealing myself in my bralette and continued to dance as I made my way to Reese.

After the song ended a bunch of people who had surrounded the bar helped me down and hooped and hollered, I even got money thrown at my on the bar and tucked into my shorts.

I held onto Resse and fell into laughter. "I have never done anything like that before." I told him.

"Well you are a natural." He replied as he took a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"Who is this?" I heard Blane ask. I could hear the anger and jealousy in his voice.

"This is Reese, my new bestfriend." I said giving him a grin.

I could see the nasty looking girl who was wrapped around his arm, "Who is this babe?" she asked Blane.

"Oh her?" He asked pointing to me. "No one, just a new waitress at the bar."

WHAT?!?!?! NO ONE? Im no one now?

I could feel my body tense up in anger.

I looked into Blanes eyes letting him see the all the anger in hurt on my face, I tried to conceal it but with me being tipsy I couldnt.

"Yup thats right I am no one. Have a great night you two." I stormed off and ran into the bathroom.

I pulled out my phone seeing that it was nearly 4, my shift was over.

I pulled myself together and walked to the breakroom to get my bag. I walked up to the bar and Christain was getting my tips from the credit cards all counted out for me when I felt a familar touch on my hand.


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