Chapter 5

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I couldn't stop his blows from my abdomen, he wouldn't stop kicking and kicking. He finally felt finished with the job, or so I thought he picked me up my throat and began squeezing. He kept squeezing and I was starting to have blurred vision. I couldn't breathe. I was struggling for air.

I was gulping for air.

"Sweetheart, wake up!" I could hear someone say.

I woke up covered in sweat, breathing heavily and holding on to my neck.

I looked over to the person who woke me front my nightmare.

"Blane?" I said between breaths. Precious, precious air.

I pulled him into an embrace and held onto him for dear life. I realized what I was doing and immediately pulled away.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Hey it's fine sweetheart." Blane said.

"Wait why are you even here?" I asked.

"Funny story actually." He began as he sat at the end of my bed. "Your cousin actually called me over."

"What why?" I asked.

"He came over to my house to tell me that he had to go work a job and wouldn't be home for two nights and that you had bad night terrors and asked me to stay here. Make sure Connor wouldn't show up, you get the gist." He explained.

"Yeah but why you and not like snake or someone else?" I asked.

"Well because uh that's another funny story." He explained.

"No do not tell me." I said.

He works for one of them. I bet you.

" Snake is my brother, so by affiliation if they call I help. I usually work in the shop though. I'm surprised I never see you around." He explained.

Oh okay, so he isn't truly in it. Makes sense now.

"Oh okay that makes so much more sense. That's why they call you wolfie, by affiliation." I said.

"Yeah." He said with a soft laugh.

So let me catch you up to speed. My cousin is a ring leader for one of the gangs down here in this small town of Chelsea. He also owns the bike shop down the road. They are a big MC group that does shit that is very illegal, which is why my cousin was in prison, etc. But I'm not allowed in the shop unless it's a lockdown, due to the illegal activities that do go down there.

We sat there in silence before Blane broke it.

"You want some water?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, thanx." I said watching him leave my room and rummage through the kitchen for a glass.

What's weird is that Logan said when y'all do start to date let me know, Logan never allows anyone from his group have a chance with me. Maybe it's because Blane is only working in the shop because of blood and he doesn't do runs or stuff. But it's like Logan knew I liked him or some stupid shit. Weird ass. I've known Blane, what a whole two days? Sure he is very attractive with his long curly, blonde hair and his leather jacket. But no thank you.

" here you go." Blane said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I took the glass, drank some water and sat it on my end table.

"I'm gonna go back to bed, got school tomorrow." I said.

"Right. Night sweetheart."

He started to exit my room but a panic of fear arose in my body, Connor.

"No. Stay." I said catching Blane off guard, as I patted the side next to me.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied.

He walked to the other side of my bed as I rolled over.

He took of his leather and sat on my other end table and then proceeded to take his shirt off.

Oh for heavens sake.

I was trying not to stare, but curiosity got the best of me.

He had a very nice 6- pack, and his biceps were huge, he had a tattoo over his peck but I couldn't make out what it said. His curly hair fell just above his slightly tanned shoulders, my eyes went down to his waistline as I saw a very indentive V-Line leading straight down.

Oh lord I felt like I was drooling, when he started to take his freaking jeans off!!

"Like what you see sweetheart? Be careful don't drool." He said winking at me.

"What. No." I said trying to not act like I was trying not to swoon over his impressive body.

"Relax I'm wearing sweats under these." Blane said seeing my nervousness.

"Okay." I said.

He took his pants off and turned around to lay them down over his leather.

He has a huge tattoo over his back of  black angel wings spreading to his shoulder bones that were beyond beautiful, and a half sleeve, Jesus. His tattoos made him 10X hotter.

This fucking God was climbing into my bed and I was trying to get the butterflies in my stomach to calm down, because being close to him while he is basically naked was definently getting to me.

We were now looking straight at each other, I looked at his lips then back up to his eyes, he did the same. I immediately began to feel my heart rate pick up realizing how close we actually were to each other.

He put a loose strand of my short hair behind my ear and rubbed his thumb over my bruise once again.

"I'm so sorry something like this happened to you. You seem so innocent and sweet to have something like this happen to you." He said as he hand left my face, my face instantly feeling cold without his touch.

I smirked and said "I'm not as innocent as you put me off to be, goodnight Blane." I said as I rolled back over.

"Goodnight sweetheart and we shall see about that." He said.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist lightly and I pulled him closer letting him know it was okay to hold me.

There I fell asleep while being held in the first time in a long time without feeling scared, I felt safe in his arms, I was comfortable around him.

Which puzzled me. But I enjoyed being held with care and not force, for the first time in my life, I dreamed of happiness instead of beatings.

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