Chapter 40

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We were all back at the bar and the boys were all throwing back drinks, making bad jokes and genuinely just having a good time.

I sat next to Blane and laid my head on his shoulder as his arm was around my waist, we listened to Christain and Logan ramble on about the time they were fucking with the same girl.

I remembered that story actually.

"Logan you were so pissed when you found out she was cheating. Don't lie." I said laughing.

"Psh." Logan said rolling his eyes.

"You were! You liked that one but I for sure as hell did not." I said.

"You never like any girl I'm with." Logan said.

"Not true! I like Laura but you fucked that one up." I said.

"True. Another round?" Logan asked everyone.

I shook my head no as Blane did the same, but Christain was all like hell yeah.

I yawned.

"You tired babe?" Blane asked.

"Yeah. I need a shower." I said.

"Okay let's go then." Blane said as he took my hand in his and said goodnight to everyone.

We went up to the apartment and I decided I rather take a bubble bath instead, so I started the bath water and looked for bubble bath.

"Looking for this?" Blane asked holding up a bottle of bubble bath.

"Yes. Thank you." I replied as I went to reach for it.

"Allow me." Blane said as he poured some underneath the running hot water.

I laughed, "thank you sir."

"You are welcome my lady. Mind if I join you?" Blane asked while taking off his shirt.

"I'd love that." I said smiling.

Blane gave me a wink and I started to undress as he climbed in the tub.

I climbed in after him and sat in front of him as he held his arms around my body. I laid my back into his chest and began to relax.

"This is nice." I said.

"Yeah it is. I'm really sorry about the Marie crap." Blane said and he gave my shoulder a peck.

"I love you and I should've told you regardless of my orders." He continued.

"Blane, I love you too and stop apologizing. I understand." I replied as I turned my head around to meet his lips.

I pulled away and stared into his eyes and saw nothing but pure love.

"I love the way you look at me." I said as I kissed his lips one more time.

"I love looking at you." Blane said as he kissed my cheek.

"I never want this moment to end." I said as I snuggled back into his chest and played with the bubbles surrounding my body.

"What makes you think it will?" Blane asked. "We can have millions of little memories just like this one, maybe one day with a mini me or you splashing around."

"Oh really? A baby? You want a baby with me?" I asked turning around to fully face him.

"Yes. I want to marry you one day and have kids, the whole shebang."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

He cupped my face in his hands and smiled "As serious as Logan's threats to kill me if I ever hurt you."

I laughed.

"I'd love to be your wife one day." I said smiling " A mini Blane would be a lot to handle though." I said laughing.

"Oh and you think a mini you would be easy?" He asked laughing.

I laughed with him as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"I guess we will just have to see then won't we?" He asked.

"I guess so." I replied as he met his lips with mine.

The kiss was filled with passion as it intensified. It was like we wanted to be closer than we already were but it wasn't physically possible to be any closer.

He pulled me to his chest and sat me on his lap as I kissed his neck.

I whispered into his year "I want you."

Blane took my face in his hands as his eyes were filled with lust and seriousness.

"Are you sure?" He replied.

"Yes." I said as I smashed my lips into his as the moment began to heat up hotter than the water we were in.

His hands trailed down my back, and laid on my waist as his grip tightened I held in a gasp as I felt him for the first time.

I squeezed his shoulder blades tighter with every thrust as he kissed my chest.

I grabbed his curly blonde hair as I was about to relieve myself.

"Fuck Lacey."

"I'm cumming." I moaned.

Blane bit my shoulder as he began to thrust more slowly.

"Yes. Yes." I moaned out slowly coming off of cloud nine after reaching my high.

"I love you." Blane said breathlessly as he finally came as he kissed my neck.

"I love you." I said whispering into his ear.

I laid my head on his chest still straddling his hips as he stroked my back.

"The water is getting cold." I said after a while.

"Yeah we probably should get out." Blane said as he tapped my ass to get up.

We both got out and dried off.

"Here." Blane said as he threw me one of his shirts.

"Thank you." I replied as I slipped into bed and pulled the covers over my body.

I felt the bed dip beside me as I felt Blanes arms engulf me in a cuddle hug.

I felt so warm and safe.

Blane kisses my head "Goodnight Sweetheart."

"Goodnight Blane." I said as I let my eyes start to close.

As amazing as tonight was, how happy I was, I still couldn't shake this bad feeling. When I had these feelings they were always right, they were never flawed. I knew something was coming, something bad and soon.

I made a mental note to talk to Logan in the morning about it, Logan always believed I had a sixth sense about these things. But I would soon realize that I wouldn't be able to talk to Logan about what I was fearing cause it would have already happened.

So sorry for the long time for the update! I have been swamped with work and school with all this COVID-19 stuff going around.
I hope all my fans are safe during this time!
Get ready because this next chapter is for sure going be crazy!
Thank you guys for all your support on this book!! Love you all!♥️

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