Chapter 34

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I woke up to the sunlight invading the darkness underneath the covers where I had buried my face in. I sighed and threw the covers off.

My neck still hurt but not as bad as it did a few days ago, it was now Thursday. I was able to manage the pain with tylnoel every 4 hours.

I walked into the bathroom and took in my reflection, I looked broken.

The mirror didnt lie, I was. I was broken.

The pain medication Blane was giving me let me not feel or even be in touch with reality, with had happened at my almost wedding. Jack dying in the worst way possible right in front of my eyes. I have seen some horrible shit over the time I have been invovled in all this shit, but to see my bestfriend basically getting his face shot off made me broken. When I felt broken Jack would take care of me, he always was able to help me put myself back together. Now what am I going to do?

I started a shower and got undressed.

I sat in the shower and let the hot water run down my back, I needed something to do.

I remember Christain saying that he needed a waitress at the bar a few days ago to Blane, while him and blane were talking about what kind of jobs Blane could do around here. That is actually a good idea.

I bathed myself and got out and got dressed.

I put some makeup on and let my red hair naturally dry into a wavy mix.

I looked around the apartment for Blane but couldnt find any trace of him, so I walked down to the bar to talk to christain.

" goodmorning sleeping beuaty!" I heard christain say.

I rolled my eyes, "You still need a waitress?" I asked.

"Yes I do actually. You want the job? You got any expereience?"

" Does serving my cousins gang members food and beers count?" i asked smiling.

"The job is yours sweetheart."

I smiled, "When can I start?"

"Does tonight work? I can have you train with one of the other girls."

"Sounds great."

"We do have a uniform for the girls, its pretty revealing. It helps with tips." Christain informed me.

"Okay, thats fine."

" I know you wont mind, but Blane might." he said chuckling.

"I might mind what?" I could hear Blane walking up ehind me.

"Your girl wearing one of the waitresses uniforms."

"You want to waitress here?" Blane asked me.

"Yes. I mean since we are staying in the apartment with Christain its kind of a win win, plus Christain will be here if my dad tries any shit."

"True, okay."

"You are okay with it?" I asked

He put his thumb under my chin and looked me into my eyes, "Of course love, but I will be watching any assholes who try to flirt with you. Im the new bartender."

I laughed, "Well, I guess ill be pulling bitches off you."

Blane and Christain chuckled.

"Hey I want to show you something. Come on" Blane said as he held out his hand.

I took his hand and followed him out to the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started the engine and took off down the road.

"Its a suprise." He said giving me a gentle smile.

I returned the small smile and looked out the window, watching the trees and cars pass by in a blur.

I felt Blane lay his hand on my thigh, I layed my hand over his and our hands entwined together and he rubbed soothing circles with his thumb on my hand.

About 10 minutes or so go by and I see the House of horrors.

"Blane what the fuck are we doing here?!?!" I exclaimed as I began to feel panicky.

Why was he taking me here? Did he want me to complely flip my switch?!

"Babe calm down we are just passing by." He said as he held onto my hand tighter as my palms began to sweat with anxiety.

A few minutes later he pulled in front of a beautiful willow tree.

I gave Blane a questioning look as he took my hand into his and I followed him to the backside of the tree.

"I thought you would want to have some time to say goodbye to him." He said.

Oh my gosh.

" I will give you some time alone, I will be in the car when you are ready to go." He said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

They buried him. There was a cross that said R.I.P Jack, there were flowers and his leather jacket with his patch and name on the back.

I immediantly picked it up and smelled it. I smiled at the reminence of him wearing to much of his playboy colonge on a constant basis. He wore so much that he could walk into a store and in a few seconds everyone would be able to smell what he was wearing.

I held the jacket close and I rubbed the earth were there was fresh dirt laid as a few tears began to run down my face, leaving tear marks as it washed off my foundation.

" I miss you so fucking much. You did not deserve this, you didnt desrve to die. Its all my fault and I am so sorry. I love you. I need you." I said as i hugged the jacket and let myself sob till there was not any more tears left to cry.

The wind started to pick up so I put on Jacks Leather and wrapped it around my body, hugging it close and feeling his presence hodling me.

Time to go.

I walked back to the car to see Blane leaning against the car smoking a cigarette.

"Hey baby." He said as he came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for this. Also, for burying him." I said into his chest.

"Anything for you my love. Lets get back to the bar, your shift starts soon." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Hey If youd like I could have one of Christains girls fix up that jacket for you, blend it in with out crew, put your name on the back." Blane said as he started the engine.

"I would like that, as long as some part of Jack is still left, I would like his patch to stay on here and his name, maybe like have it placed on the back under mine? I for sure aint not "Skitz" i said, making fun of Jacks nickname."

" We can do that babe." He said smiling at me.

I held onto his hand for the whole ride back to the bar in so much appreciation for the man that I had, the family that I had left. Blane was something that I would never had thought would be mine, he was the most sweet man I had ever had.

I honeslty do not know what I would do if I didnt have this crew that I was becoming apart of, even though Logan had always tried keeping my away. I guess It runs in the family. Best believe that people would know me as the 'Lil Ripper" from now on.

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