Chapter 15

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I gave blane a death glare as he blasted the radio was making it harder to hear my music in my headphones.

I rolled my eyes and continued to look out the window.

Fuck him.

A few hours later we pulled up to a gas station, I quickly hopped out having to pee.

"Lacey where you going?" I could hear Blane yell.

I quickly gave him the bird as I walked to the bathroom.

Once I can out I decided to grab a bag of chips, but as I was reaching for them another hand touched mine. I immediately pulled back and looks to who's hand it belonged too.


"Jack oh my gosh!!!" I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"Hey babe how have you been?" He asked.

"I've been good, how about you??" I asked as we separated from our embrace.

"Eh you know some ole Mc shit."

I gave him a nod knowing exactly what he meant.

I hadn't seen jack in forever, we grew up together, he was a few years older than me. But he was forever my bestfriend till he got patched over to another gang.

"Here ill buy them." He said grabbing another bag of chips.

I was about to protest but he put his finger to my lips.

"No babe, I got it." He said smirking.

I smiled and happily took his outstretched hand in mine as we made our way to the check out counter.

I grabbed my chips back and he got his as we made our way out of the station.

"Hop on." He said.

"Yay!" I exclaimed jumping on his back.

He gave me a piggy back ride back to blanes car, I could see Blane impatiently waiting on me to join him in the car. He was intently staring at me and Jack.

Jack sat me down by the car.

"You better text me, that's my new number." I said giving jack his phone back.

"I will babe." He said before pulling me to his chest.

He lowered his lips to my ear and whispered "Blane is seriously radiating some hardcore jealousy."

"Good." I whispered back.

We pulled away as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

We waved goodbye as I hopped into the car.

"Who the fuck was that?" He asked and I could hear the jealousy through his voice.

"None of your fucking business." I replied and put my headphones back as I opened my bag of chips.

Knowing I had pissed him off he sped out of the parking lot and raced down the road.

Men and their issues.

I was watching this fucking guy swoon all over Lacey.


Fucking jack.

I hated that guy. He was so fucking annoying and way to cocky. He was an asshat.

But seeing him giving Lacey a piggy back ride to the car was slowly pissing me off, not to mention they were holding hands in the store.

I watched as jack pulled her to his chest and whisper something in her ear making Lacey laugh.

God I missed hearing that laugh.

I missed making her laugh.

But what set me off edge was seeing him tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear and leaning down to kiss her on the forehead.

Okay that's it.

I was just about to get out of the car to show Jack that Lacey was fucking mine, but she had gotten in the car just in time.

I was raging with jealousy. Lacey was mine.

"Who the fuck was that?" I asked knowing damn well she could hear the anger and jealousy in my voice but I didn't care.

"None of your fucking business." Was all that she said.

Okay that's it.

I sped off down the road trying to find a place to park. I was done with her fucking attitude.

I found an old dirt road and took the car down it.

Pulled over and cut the engine of the car.

"Get the fuck out. Now." I spat.

Lacey did as she was told as I walked around to the passenger side.

"What's going on is someone following us?" She asked concerned.

"You need to cut the fucking attitude." I said.

"Seriously is this really the reason you pulled over?" She asked smiling.

"Yes it fucking is. So who the fuck was that guy to you."

"None of your fucking business." She said but with every word that came out of her mouth she poked my chest with her finger.

That's it.

I pushed her back into the car and held both her hands behind her back.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered "Cut the bullshit Lacey." I could her let out an annoying sigh.

I got closer to her ear and bit her earlobe gazing a gasp from her, I smirked.

"Get off Blane." She said.

I look back to face her and she had anger in her eyes but with some sadness and confusion.

All I wanted to do in that moment was to kiss her. I wanted to feel her lips on mine again.

I leaned in and tucked a strand from her hair behind her ear.

She leaned in closer.

We were barely touching our lips before she said "Fuck off blane." And pushed me away as she got back into the car.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I walked to the drivers side as I ran my fingers through my hair.

She was mine. No one else should be able to touch her, kiss her, or even look at her.

She was mine.

But I couldn't fucking have her.

But I didn't care.

I was going insane without her smile, her kiss or her touch.

I needed her.

I sped off down the road again entering another state.

I looked back over to her to see her with her headphones in and began to talk to myself.

"Fuck Lacey if only you fucking knew how it feels when you touch me, talk back to me all seductively, how your lips feel on mine. I don't what the fuck is going on. But I don't want anyone else to have you. But I can't make you mine. Fucking Logan has to ruin fucking everything. I'm sorry Lacey." I looked back over to make sure she was still looking out the window.

If only I could fucking actually say that shit to her face maybe things would be different, but I couldn't. Rippers orders: Don't fall in love with my lil cuz. It was to late cause I was already catching feelings.

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