Chapter 1

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3 months ago
Talon ~
That damn waitress is sexy as fuck. And vaguely familiar, I've seen
her somewhere, I never forget a beautiful woman.

Her body is toned, tan, a flat belly that goes into a small waist.
Beautiful light brown hair down to her middle back. Blue eyes that
can bring any man to their knees. Her breasts fit her body perfectly. Legs that show she works out. Tattooed arms show from under her sleeves. And her ass is fucking perfect.

I'm here to talk to the bar owner about it being one of our stops
on a bike run for charity. Our club does many of these during good
weather to help out others. This year, we chose to help the Local center for TBI, (traumatic brain injury) victims. One of our members was in an accident and his family is in need of help. He's in rehab to help function, and as he's a brother, we want to help.

"Hey sugar, what would you like to drink?" She smiles, and damn those blue eyes are beautiful. Up close, she's more stunning than I thought.

"I'll take a beer, thanks darlin." Trying not to stare, because, fuck me, I know her somehow.
She walks away to get my beer, and I'll be damned if the back side isn't as sexy as the front.

My phone alerts me of a text from my VP, Ice, "Be there in a few mins. Damn women take forever to get ready."

As I'm replying, I see her out corner of my eye, watching me, I'm turned on by the way she's looking at me. My cock is hard as fuck right now watching her. Fuck, I haven't been this attracted to a woman in a long time.

A man approaching, tells me this is the owner I'm here to meet. He introduced himself as Len, the owner of this bar and to let me know that his bar manager is going to be the one I'm talking to today, seeing as he has other obligations to get to. And whatever she decides is good with him. The beautiful waitress brings my beer, and Len introduce her to me.

"This is Sami and she's my bar manager." He says, smiling at her, though it's more of a fatherly smile rather than anything else.

"Nice to meet you, Talon." She says with the sweetest voice I've ever heard. And those eyes sparkle with a smirk.

"Same here darlin." Is all I can manage. Before swiftly taking a drink of beer. "My VP and his ole lady are on their way. They wanted to be in this meeting, but running a lil late" I say, looking her over, from top to bottom. Damn she looks like she belongs on the back of a bike, and would look good on mine.

"That's fine, I'm not in a hurry. So tell me a little bit about your club and this charity run that you want to include us in." Smiling, leaning against her chair back.

As I proceed to tell her about it all, our club name, our history, her smile falters, as if she's lost in thought. What the fuck? Did I say wrong to cause that look?

"Your club is Devil's Sinners?" She asks pissy, looking pale and almost freaking out.

I can only reply, "yep it sure the fuck is. You got a problem with that?"

Something's not right, I can feel the tension now. There's a change in her that almost looks deadly.

"No fucking problem here, but why the fuck you here for? I'm not the one to fucking play games with Talon." She growls out.

I slam my beer down, wanting to know who the fuck she thinks she is talking to me like that. I almost got the words out of my mouth when my VP catches my eye, they just walked in, he's staring at this pissed off beauty, with a look of knowing her, shaking his head no. What the fuck is that man thinking, telling me no.

It's that moment she turns and walks away, not even seeing Ice and his ole lady behind her.
I calmly ask him, "What the fuck was that nod no for? She doesn't get to talk to me like that."
Ice smiles as he's pulling up our web page on his phone, to the page of founding members, back to when it all started. He points to a member and his ole lady, well, ex ole lady now and I'll be fucking fucked, if it isn't her. Older now, but I knew I'd seen her somewhere and now I know where.

I use to look at our beginning club pictures and wonder what happened to her after her ole man decided to be a dick and leave the club. My mouth dropped open and I stammered out, "no fucking way. All these years looking for the club queen, and finally found her by accident and working in a damn bar?"

Ice laughs and says "we finally found our other queen." Squeezing his ole lady Becki's hand.
Becki, my VP's wife, looked like she saw a ghost and her tears are close to falling.

"I never thought I'd see her again" Becki says while trying to wipe a tear away. A faraway look, knowing she's thinking of the past.

Ice is deep in thought, wondering out loud, "what if she doesn't want us back in her life?"

Before I could answer, Len comes flying out the back, "what the fuck did you say to Sami? She's pissed off like she could shoot someone."

"Calm down, it wasn't intentional" Ice tries to get out. Choking up a little bit.

Len looks pissed himself, "That woman has been thru hell and
back and sure as fuck don't need this shit."

"She doesn't know the full truth about the past, but I'm going to damn well get this shit straightened out." Ice says, and calms down.

Even though it's not his business, we tell Len about our club and the events that happened. Knowing this may help us convince Sami to at least talk to us.

Len shakes his head, "I'll be damned, I knew a little bit about her being in a club but not what happened. I must say though, that's not what she thinks happened at all."

I'm trying to be calm, but something is fucked up here and I'm getting to the bottom of this.
"What do you know?" I ask.

"All I know is that she was told that the club didn't want her if he wasn't involved. And they refused to talk to her." Len says sadly.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Ice states, almost yelling."I'm gonna hurt that

Becki tries to calm him down. And quietly says,"you should have listened to me back then, and went to her."

Listening to them, knowing how hurt they were when she up and disappeared, that was a year before I came along and knew about Sami, though she was talked about by the members, fondly and she was as sweet and a bitch at once.

Len is still going on, about her son, years ago was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a TBI. She's his caregiver and works hard to provide for him.

This brings me out of my head, paying better attention to what he's saying.

"He was in a coma, and his momma slept on hospital floors, chairs and never giving up" Len says sadly.

Shaking my head, trying to get a grip of the emotions, which is unusual for me.

"Didn't she have any help? Besides her oldest son?" I ask, knowing the answer already by looking at Len.

"Not much. Her husband, who is Thomas's father, had walked out of their lives a year before it happened, he's a piece of shit, that sure as fuck didn't deserve Sami or those boys. Most of their friends didn't stay long after he came home. The Dr. told her he wouldn't wake up, and if he did, she needed to put him in a home, he would be a vegetable. She refused to give up, and the day
before Thanksgiving, he came home. It's been a few years and that boy is living proof that he is a warrior." Len says while wiping his eyes.

I can only imagine her pain and worry. No wonder she was pissed. This club should have had her back, been there when she needed it.

"We're here now and will do what's needed to be there for her." Becki says, with a look of determination. Walking in the direction Sami took off.

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