Chapter 41

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I slept most of the flight over here, it's now time to go to the hospital.

Looking at my phone, I see Talons message. I type a reply letting him know we are here. Then text Luke, telling him what my idea is and what I want done.

"Sami?" Lita shakes my arm lightly.

"I'm ok. Nervous I guess." I tell her.

Stepping out the plane, there's so many cars here, I turn and look at her.

Chuckling, she says, "protection has been stepped up since Tony got hurt. Papa wanted to make sure we were very safe."

Nodding, "no one knows who I am do they?" I ask her.

"Yes, they do. Only because they had to know to protect you like my daughter." Padre says.

Walking to the car, " You know what's best Padre" I say sliding into the back seat.

The ride is in silence as we each have our own thoughts. An hour later, we pull into the hospital lot, not going to the front, the driver pulls into a service area.

Noticing my confusion, Padre tells me, "The family has a private wing here. Only for family, and very well protected."

That makes sense, doesn't ease the feeling in the pit of my stomach tho. We're taken to the floor Tony is on.

The elevator door opens, I'm shocked at how it's decorated. It's beautiful, nothing like a hospital at all but someone's home.

Nudging me, Lita says, "I see your surprise Sami. It's like this to bring comfort to the people who have to be here."

"I understand. It's just different than the states." I say.

Padre is leading the way as we follow. Pausing at a door, he nods to the guards. They step away and let us enter.

I gasp as soon as I see him. Rushing to his side, I cry the tears I've been holding in. Taking his hand in mine, I place a kiss on his palm.

A chair is put behind me, I sit, never taking me eyes off him. Watching the machine, the sounds, his slow breathing, all the wires and tubes in him.

I haven't been sitting long, when I hear a disturbance in the hall. Looking up from Tony, Lita shakes her head no. Padre walks out the door.

"Why is that woman in there? She doesn't deserve to be there." I hear a woman yell out. "No one deserves to be with him now."

Trying to block them out, I turn back to Tony. Stroking his hand, tears keep falling silently.

I'm startled when Padre yells, "you will respect her as you would me. Don't make that mistake. No one, will disrespect my Angel. I will not allow it." I hear her gasp, "you brought your angel of death to my Tony? Yes, I know who she is and how he felt about her. Why does she get to be the last person he could hear?" She cries out.

What have I done by coming here? Who is that woman?

Padre comes back in. He comes to me, sadly smiles. "He doesn't have long Angel." He says.

Nodding, I move so he can have his last words. I go and stand with Lita. When he's done, he comes to me and Lita does the same.

She comes back to us, "Sami, you need to do this." She says.

I walk to him and kiss his forehead. Leaning to his ear "I'm sorry Tony. I had to come. I forgive you please forgive me. And please know, I do love you in my own way. You saved me. I'll remember you for the rest of my life. Thank you for keeping my secret, but, Padre now knows. You were right when you told me Forgiveness is earned. You've more than earned that. Rispetto E Amore." I tell him, tears flowing. I put my forehead on his," love you my friend and they will pay for this" I say.

His breathing picks up, and then nothing. I cry more not caring who see it.

Padre comes to me, tears in his eyes, "Sami he's gone." He says, but I can't move. The man who saved me, who in my own way, I love, is gone.

I feel Lita pulling me away from him. I don't fight it as I let her lead me out of the room.

"He will be taken back to the States. That's what he wanted." Padre says.

I don't notice much as we leave the hospital. I thought being here would bring closure, I only feel numb right now.

"We need to eat Sami. Once we are rested, we will be going back to the States. We're going to our home here."Lita says.

I nod, not trusting my voice. I can only stare out the window, memories flow back to me. I have to be strong. I'm brought out of my memories as the car stops.

Glancing around, the house is beautiful, the grounds perfectly landscaped. This would be a perfect place to get away from the world, if it wasn't surrounded by armed men.

Lita looks at me, "I know what you're thinking. I've thought the same many times." She says.

"Oh yeah? It's beautiful." I say.

"If it wasn't for the guards, it's perfect." She laughs out.

Shaking my head, "how the hell do you do that with me?" I ask.

Looking at me, "we have a strange connection" she says, nudging me.

"That we do." I say.

"We will eat and rest. Our flight back to the States is in a few hours." Padre says, walking up to us.

"It's so beautiful here, I wish I could actually enjoy it." I tell him.

"One day, you will vacation here with us." Lita says.

The next few hours go by, eating and sitting on the deck, enjoying this place. It's so peaceful, no city within many miles, quiet is calming.

"Time to go Angel. I'm sure your man is anxious to get you back." Padre says, bringing me out of my head.

Fuck. How the hell did I not think to check for messages. I got so wrapped up being here that I didn't think about home. Taking my phone off the table, I had shut it down when we went into the hospital. And completely forgot. Turning it back on, it boots up. Fuck. He's gonna be worried.

Dialing his number, he picks up on the first ring. "Sweetheart. Are you ok?" He asks me.

"Yes, I'm ok. Sorry. I shut my phone off and forgot." I tell him, and hearing his voice, makes me miss him.

"Padre called me. I'm sorry babe." He says with concern in his voice.

Taking a deep breath, "should have known he would. We're heading to the airport in a little bit. I'll be home soon Tal." I say, trying not to cry again.

I can hear him take a shaky breath," I love you Sami. Never doubt that please. Have a safe flight." He says.

I know you do. See you soon." I say, hanging up. Why couldn't I tell him I loved him? Fuck. My heads a mess.

Lita nudges my shoulder, "tell him Sami. At least text him before we leave." She smiles at me.

"Lita, you freak me out sometimes." I laugh at her.

"Sir, we are ready to leave now." A man says to Padre.

I follow them to the car. Getting in, I slide my phone out. "I love you Tal." Is all I text him.

Hopefully, sleep claims me on the flight. I'm fucking drained. Emotionally and physically.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now