Chapter 14

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Sami ~
Holy fucking amazeballs. That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had. I can't believe in the middle of fucking, he managed to get thru to me. His touch, his words, I'm a fucking goner. I realize now, at this moment, I love him, and it scares the fuck out of me.

Knowing I need the words for my brain to catch up to my heart, I look to him, staring at me. "Tal, did you mean those words or were they in the heat of the moment?" Afraid, of his answer.

"My Queenie, I meant every fucking word I said. I'm in love with you. And only want you, no one else. I'll go get branded tonight to prove that." He states.

I stammer," you'd put my name on you?".

He looks at me, a look of pure love in his eyes, "hell yes I would. Queen Sami would look good on my chest, don't you think?"

"Would I have to do the same?" I mumble.

Shaking his head, "whatever you want sweetheart. You are mine, as I am yours now. It doesn't have to be now, but it would mean the world to me if we did it together".

My heart is saying hell yes, but my mind is telling me to take it slow. The hell with my head, this feels to good to let it go.

Jumping up, making him flinch, "well then we really need a shower, don't ya think? Can't go get tattoos like this". I'm going down the hall, he's watching my ass, "you coming Tal?"

Next thing I know, he's swinging me into his arms. "You really want to do this with me? To let me love you like you need? Be mine, until I draw my last breath?".

Gazing into his beautiful eyes, I nod. "Yes Tal, I want this, need you. But, no club whores, sweetbutts or anyone else. You're mine, I'm yours. That is the only way I can do this. I won't share" I state, waiting.

He looks at me, "Sami, I've not been with anyone since you've came here. It's been only you on my mind, in my heart and in my bed".

Taking a shower took longer than I thought. After another round or two of sex, I was officially wore the fuck out.

Talon called Ice, finding where Inkman, the clubs tattooist was at tonight. Not wanting me to change my mind, we got dressed and headed out. I think I surprised him when I went to his bike to ride bitch for this.

He lifts an eyebrow, "I like this. Didn't have to argue".

Smiling at him, "for this, it's where I belong". Knowing that it's where I want to be.

It is always amazing, wind in my face, the freedom of the ride. In my heart, I finally feel a little bit free.

Not paying attention to anything but the ride, I didn't see the car coming up on us fast.

It caught me off guard, what the fuck? It gets closer, Talon yells for me to hold on. As he turns the throttle, the car falls back, but not enough for me.

I try to turn my head to look at the driver, I only caught a glimpse when Talon opened it up full throttle, pulling us away from the car. Weaving thru traffic, he tells me to call Ice.

Trying to dial on the back of a Harley going past 85 miles an hour is nerve wracking. Almost dropping it, I finally found a way to still hold on. "Ice, need brothers. Got trouble. GPS my phone."

Slipping the phone in my jacket, I'm trying hold on tighter. Fuck!

I've went against abusers and wasn't this nervous. Talon has a furious look, one I've not seen before. He is pissed the fuck off.

Talon has to slow down, the car gets closer, We've played this cat and mouse game too far. I don't know how far the guys are to us.

This is pissing me off. We've finally got thru traffic, clear roads looks like. I slide my hand into his jacket, sliding his gun out, he nods, slows just enough, I turn enough to be able to aim and fire at the car, hitting the side. Not enough to stop it.

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