Chapter 10

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Sami ~
Well that was all kinds of fucked up. Having to tell that story not only in front of Padre but my club also. Poor Tony, he had to clean my mess up again. He tried not showing any personal feeling but doesn't do very well. I loved him at some point but I don't think that the only love I have for him now as family, is what he wants.

He is a very sexy man. Any woman would love to be called his but, I just don't feel the chemistry between us anymore. Not since that night many months ago.

As we walk out back, I see my surprise. The baddest fucking SUV I have ever seen. A fucking RPV civilian. No fucking way. This is an ass kicking machine.

Padre smiles, hugs me and proudly says, "my Angelo della morte needs a vehicle to suit her. "

Sarge is the first to finally ask, "what the fuck are you calling her? You've said that a few times. And seeing as you know we don't speak your language, care to tell us?"

I can only blush and say, "he calls me his angel of death. Not that I kill people but because I kill the life of death these women have endured".

Ice stammers, "I'll be damned. That's perfect".

I turn to look at Talon. He's looking at me differently and not sure I'm comfortable with it. So, I start checking my gift out.

Padre beams at me "Thank you, Padre. But you didn't need to do this. You being family is enough" I stammer.

"Nonsense girl. You deserve this and so much more for the lives you've help make better". Padre says, while giving me a hug.

"LITA!!! Bout time you got here". I yell as I run to hug her.

Lita smiles, and shakes her head, "I told daddy you would love this. You know him though, he has to over think things."

"Yeah, but we love him anyways huh" I say.

I turn to introduce my club to Lita, who is like a sister to me now. I make the introductions, and notice that her and Razor gaze at each other. Fuck. That's not good. Gonna have a talk with him.
She is off limits. Padre will have his head.

We are all talking when the back-door flies open, and a pissed off man comes barreling out.
"Lita, you were told to wait so I could make sure it was safe". He stammers

"Oh fuck off asshole. I knew who was here and knew I was never in danger. Go away. I don't need you". Lita glares at him.

The man tries to outstare her, but I know he will lose. I have many times before.

It is then he advances to her and it pissed me off, I put myself in front of her, "let it go or you'll get hurt". I calmly speak.

He laughs and tries to speak, "what are you going...." And I took him down. One kick.
Padre is laughing, Tony is shaking his head, my guys are wide eyes.

Lita pulls me away from the guy, "pay up motherfucker. Told you she'd kick your ass".
I turn to her and see the smirk on her face and do nothing but laugh with her now. I'll ask for that story later.

I'm feeling tired and think it's time to go. "Padre, thank you again. But, it's time for me to leave. I'll see you both soon for dinner".

"We understand. You've had a rough day. You make sure to call soon though. And enjoy your new toy". Padre says.

"Oh I will. rispetto e amore". I say, getting into my truck.

"Rispetto e amore" Padre and Lita both say.

Talon walk up to me, "You are certainly full of surprises. We'll follow you back".

I wait for the guys to hop on their bikes, and pull out. This machine is badass. I'm thinking this the whole ride back.

Closer to the clubhouse and my mind starts to wander. Will the guys think less of me because I let a man hurt me? I'm too tired to think about it. I need a bed and sleep.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now