Chapter 58

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"Should we send a prospect to follow her?" I ask Prez.

"You do that and she'll kick your ass and won't talk to you for a week if not longer. Do you really want to do that?" Talon says.

"Hell no. Not worth her wrath." I laugh out.

Leaving the building, we head to the clubhouse. Pulling in, I see her truck is here. Looking at Prez with a concerned look.

"Bet she's getting loaded with armor." He laughs.

"Undertaker is a mean fucker, almost makes me worry for her. But, i hope she can handle this." I say.

"This situation could turn bad" He says.

Shaking my head. I don't want to think about that. I'm tempted to follow her myself.
As I'm about to tell Prez I'm going to follow her, his phone rings.

"Nessa? What's wrong? Why you calling me?" I hear him say.

He looks at me as he's listening, mumbling answers and hangs up.

"Nessa talked to Sami, told her the whole situation. And Nessa thinks she should contact Padre also. Seems that her niece, is close to a rival club of the DDs. Her baby's father is a fucking prospect.
When Sami said she was going alone, Nessa called me. Wanting my opinion. She just told Hawk about it too." Talon says, looking uncomfortable.

Hearing yelling towards the back rooms, we start that way.

"The fuck Hawk? I don't need a fucking babysitter." Sami yells.

"I don't fucking care. You either take someone with you or I swear to fucking God I will lock you in a fucking cell." He yells back.

"I did fine without help before and sure don't need it now." She growls out.

"Oh yeah? That's how you got fucked up before and almost was fucking raped, again." He says, and the look he has, shows he just fucked up.

"Fuck Sami, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for." He says.

Talon opens the door fully. Seeing Sami punch Hawk.
I run to her, pulling her away from our brother.

"Babygirl, calm down. He's just worried about you." I say.

"We all are sweetheart." Talon states.

Shaking her head, she looks up.
"I understand that. But, I have backup if I need it. Taker will lend me guys." She states.

"It's our job as not only your club but your family to be the ones who help." Hawk says.

She starts pacing. I see her getting more pissed and I have no clue how to calm her down.
Stopping her with a hug.
I glance over to Hawk and Talon, "Give me a minute with her." I say.

Prez is looking like he's going to come closer and I shake my head slightly. He gets it and turns to walk out with Hawk.

Hearing the door close, I lift her chin to look at me.

"Love, it's not that I don't think you can handle it. But try to see it from my point of view. I have finally found someone I am worthy for. Someone I love with all I can love. Someone who I know loves me for me and not my status in the club. You've been the only woman I've fucked that I want that everyday.  I want to wake up everyday and see your beautiful smile. To be able to come home at night, sit on the porch and talk about our day. I've talked to Talon about this, we both agree that we each love you, to want to make this work with all three of us." I say, hoping she fully understands what I'm saying.

"Wha, what does that all mean Gunner?" She asks me.

I text Prez to come back in.
A few minutes and he steps thru the door.

I nod at him, "What that all means is, we both want you as our Ol Lady. And before you say no. We have both talked alot about this. And it isn't unheard of." I say.

She looks at Prez, confused.

"Sweetness, we both love you. Both in love with you. We weren't going to say anything until you came back. But, I can't let you go tonight without telling you." He says to her.

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