Chapter 19

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I wasn't eavesdropping, but I walked halfway to my house before I realized I left my jacket on the porch. Turning around to go get it, I climb the porch and heard the concern in bubs voice. She has a habit of leaving the windows up a lil bit at night for fresh air. I sit on the chair next to the window, I know it's shitty of me to listen, but this is my family, and if those boys are bothered by anything, it's up to me to fix it. Soon as I heard bub mention him, I knew what was the concern. And hearing her tell them she's mine, that made my heart flutter. What the fuck is wrong with me that I get like this about her? I've never had a bitch control me like she can. Shaking my thoughts, I step off the porch and head home. I need sleep.

Falling into bed, tired as fuck.

A phones ringing, and keeps ringing. Someone answer that fucker! It stops finally and starts again.

I jump up fumbling for the damn thing. Reaching it, I can't see who it is, my eyes won't open. Damn I'm tired.

Answering it, "WHAT? This better be good." I yell.

I yell into the phone again. There's no one there. What the fuck. Did I dream this shit or what. Going to take a piss, I feel like I'm going crazy. Didn't my phone ring?

Getting coffee going. I grab my phone, scroll the calls list. Who the fuck is calling restricted? This shit is fucked up. I'll have Gunner work his tech magic and see if he can find anything out. Bad feeling in my gut.

It's barely light out, I head to go work out. Trying to get my mind off of last night. At least until I talk to the boys.

Taking my coffee to the shower, I'll grab a quick one and head over to talk to bub. Hopefully he is up.

Grabbing my phone, making sure I have what need for the day, I walk down to Sami's place. Without knocking, I use my key to let myself in. Chuckling to myself, bet she doesn't realize she has a key to my place as I do hers.

Bub is in the kitchen making coffee, "want a cup Prez?"

"Hell yeah. Why you up so early son? " Asking as I sit down at the table.

Before he gets to say anything, I hear Sami yelling. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"She's been on the phone awhile now. Woke her up I guess, and she's a grumpy momma getting woke up like that. " he chuckles.

Looking around, I ask "where's your brother?"

"Ice and Becki took him for breakfast, to get him away from here. I didn't go so I could keep an eye on mom." He says.

Confused, I have to ask, "why was Ice and Becki here this early?"

He thinks for a sec, "when her phone kept ringing this morning, she answered it and no one was there. After a few times, she called Becki to find Gunner, he wasn't answering his phone. Next I know, they were here. And took bubba out." He get out.

I jump up, almost tipping my stool. "Calls restricted?"

He nods. Sliding cup of coffee to me.

"I got some of those early this morning. Who's she talking to now?" I almost don't want to know. Wait, we both got strange calls. Is it the same person.?

He looks at me, takes a breath, "I think it's sis's pops."

I start walking to her room, as the yelling gets louder.

He pulls on my arm, "Talon, he's fucked with her head so many times, he's gonna break her again." He says sadly.

I get closer to her door, push it open a bit and stop. She's stopped yelling, and the lowness of her voice, the calmness. It's almost scary from her.

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