Chapter 16

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Sami ~
I startle awake, damn, it's hot in here, I think. Wait. There's an arm over me. It takes me a few minutes to realize where I'm at.

I try not to wake him. Sliding out of the bed slowly, I have got to piss. Going to the bathroom down the hall so I don't wake him.

Turning on the water washing my hands I glance up into the mirror. Damn I am a hot mess for sure.

Going to the kitchen for a bottle of water, I glance at the clock. 5 am. What the fuck.
To early for me. Looking out the kitchen window, it's still dark out, I can barely see my house from here. At least I left the porch light on.

Sitting at the table, in the dark, I'm thinking about the past few days. Alot has happened. I'm too old for this shit anymore. I have to make up my mind about many things. Me and Talon, the club, Padre and Tony.

I almost feel bad for Tony. Almost. He's being punished because of me, no, that's not right. He brought it on himself, right?.

I shake my head mentally. Yawning, it's too early to think about this all.I need coffee and a workout. Getting up, get clothes on, find my shoes and grab my stuff, I head down to my house.
Walking in my house, I start coffee, go change into workout clothes.

Grab a cup of coffee and head to the basement. 2 hours of pounding the bag, lifting, and treadmill. I need a damn shower now. Going back up, grabbing more coffee.

The hot water feels good on those muscles I haven't used in awhile. Letting the water hit my back, I'm in my head with thoughts.

I can let things go and try be happy. Today is the day I'm going to change it.

Dressing in jeans, a club tee and boots, I'm ready for this day. Grabbing my phone and jacket, I'm almost out the door when arms wrap around my waist. I don't have to turn around, I sense
him, his smell and touch.

"Darlin, I missed waking up to you" he says in my ear. His breath, waking up desire in me.

"Sorry, woke early, and came here to workout and shower" I say, turning to kiss him.

His eyes are the most sexiest I've seen. They crinkle a lil when he really smiles. "I have a room to workout in ya know. You could have used it".

Asking in between kisses, "what's the plan for today?" I ask.

Pulling me into his chest, which by the way, is solid fucking muscle. "Going to get our brands Queenie. That is if you will still have me" He looks at me with hope in his expression.

I act like I'm thinking on it, "hmmm" tapping my finger against my chin. With a smile.

He growls. I glance up to him, I can't tell him no. "Only if you'll still have me" I mumble.
His smile tells me all I need to know.

Who would have thought that my life would be like it is now?

Finally feeling as if I belong. Although there is still that nagging feeling, that I don't deserve happiness.

Getting on his bike, I'm a little anxious. Last time turned out bad.

As if he's reading my mind, he says "It's ok sweetheart. Nothing bad this time. We have a shadow. Prospect is in the truck".

Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I know. Let's go do this and if anything else happens, it means it's not meant to happen".

"Oh Queenie, this is meant to be. You and me, no one or thing can stop this between us". He smirks.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now