Chapter 26

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Seeing her walk away, I let out a sigh. Not believing that I did that for her. I don't share my woman, but something made me feel as if I needed to let her have this.

Hearing the shower turn on, I sit up. Glancing over my shoulder, "don't know why I let this happen Gunner. It's not like me at all."

He's getting dressed, glancing my way, "she's had a rough few weeks brother. What happened in the shed, she needed it. To let go and not be surrounded by her demons. To know that she's more than that woman who can kill"

Shaking my head, "I know. But, fuck. I don't know what those demons are."

"Me either. When she's ready, she'll talk. Until then, be there for her. Because if you're not, I will be. Last night showed me a side of her that only me & you have seen. I'll do anything to protect her, even from you if need be. No disrespect to you brother". He says walking out the door.

Damnit. I hate it when he's right. But I'll be fucked if anyone is there for her like that but me. I'd never do anything to fuck this up or ever hurt her.

Throwing my jeans on, I need coffee and I know Sami will to.

Walking out to the clubhouse to the kitchen, getting coffee made, I stand at the counter and wait for it to be done.

Hearing voices, a few of the guys are up and getting ready. Looking at the clock, it's only 6 a.m.

We're heading out of here in a few hours to make sure things are ready. Grabbing two cups of coffee, I head back to our room.

Putting the mugs on the dresser, my phone goes off. Pulling it from my pocket, Ice is texting, I read his message and start laughing. "Why am I getting a text asking if you were in your room last night or if you were at home? And why the fuck was it heard someone screaming Gunners name from your room?"

Laughing more, this is going to be awkward as fuck to explain. And not sure if she wants me to tell Ice.

"What's so funny this early in the morning?" She says walking out of the bathroom. Drying her hair in a towel.

"Well, it seems that our VP was contacted asking him about someone screaming Gunners name in our room last night and he ask if I was here or at home." I read the text to her.

She's taking a sip of coffee and when I read it, she laughed spitting coffee out. " Oh my fuck. That's funny." She's looking thoughtful. "Ohhhh, tell him that you were at your place last night, I fell asleep here. And came here this morning to wake me up." Laughing.

"You want me to let him think that you and Gunner hooked up in our room?" I ask unsure.

Nodding, "yep. For the day. I owe him, remember.?" She's giggling.

Oh this is gonna torture. I text him back, letting him know that I went home last night, because she didn't want company and came back this morning to wake her up to get ready for the ride. He's gonna piss himself.

The ding goes off again, I start laughing.

Reading it to her, "well this is awkward then."

"Gonna shower babe. You good?" I ask

"Perfect. Now to go play this joke off. See you in a few". She giggles.

Grabbing her, " nope not yet. Gotta do this together."

"Fine. You have 5 mins. While I finish up" she states.

Showering fast, cause I know she would walk out there.

She's lacing her boots as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Woman, how the hell do you look that good within just a few minutes?" I smile, looking at her head to her boots.

Shaking her head laughing, " you're fucking crazy babe."

Grabbing our jackets, we head to the bar area.

Walking down the hallway, my hand rest in the small of her back. She leans closer. And damn if I don't love it.

Turning the corner, the room is filled with members, ole ladies and girlfriends. She stops, looking at it all. Glancing at me, " Tal, I'm nervous."

Turning her to face me,I see doubt in her eyes. " babe, no reason to be nervous or have any doubt. Be yourself and everyone will love you"

She looks up to me, "this is different though, this is your club and charters. I don't know if I can do this now"

"no, this is our club and charters, remember who you are, always know who you are babe. You are this clubs Queen, the first lady to all charters and most of all, my beautiful ole lady"

"I'll do my best to make you and the club proud." she says turning to walk into the bar.

Watching her walk away, there's the Sami I know. Confident and head held high, showing them she belongs here.

" hey Prez, all set?" Sarg says walking to me

Grinning, I look around, " fuck yes we are."

Sarg turns to the members, whistling loud to get attention. "Mount up, lets fucking ride."

Cheers and hollers rumble the clubhouse. Everyone is ready to ride.

Sensing that I'm looking for her, she slides into my side, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Lets ride my king" she says grinning.

Walking outside and damn it's a beautiful sight. Bikes are lined up in the lot, wrapping around the drive and to the road.

Everyone straddles their bikes, the women climbing behind their men.

Sami slips in behind me, stands on the foot pegs, looking around smiling. "Lets ride you fucking Devil's" she yells. Laughing as the bikes rev and take off.

Sliding my hand to her thigh, I give it a squeeze, letting her know that was perfect.

I'm in front, with Ice and Sarg on both sides a little space back, Hawk and Gunner are right behind us, with the rest riding in twos. She doesn't know it yet, but one of the prospects worked all night fixing her truck. It wasn't major damage, looked worse than it was. Our boys are in back of the group, being the chase vehicle and four vans of prospects following them.

Our first stop is about 30 minutes away, and the ride is beautiful. Perfect riding weather.

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