Chapter 7

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Becki ~
I look up as Talon walks to the bar. My husband slides next to me.

"Thought you and Sami had an errand to run" Ice says.

"We postponed it for a couple days" I replied.

Talon overhears this, asking "Did she head home finally?"

"I thought she was in the kitchen or bathroom." I say, with a feeling that doesn't feel right. Going to the kitchen to find her.

Soon as those words are out, I hear my phone going off. Sami is calling. Damn. That bitch left. I just know it.

"What the hell are you doing? Taking off like that. This is the 3rd time you've done that. And it's pissing me off." I tried to say in a low voice so the guys don't hear.

"Sorry but you don't need involved any more than you are. You've been the distraction I need to get away, there's no way I'm putting you in harm's way." Sami says calmly.

"You don't need to do it alone though sister. I'm here no matter. And the club will be too. But you gotta stop being secretive. The guys already suspect something's up. I can't lie to them now. We've done good at omitting the truth but not when your moods are affecting your home life." I'm trying to be calm but my voice is
starting to raise.

"You can't save them all Sami and one day, you're gonna have trouble that you can't get out of. You've been damn lucky so far. Stop trying to save them all." I state.

Talon walked in as I was talking, I didn't hear him until he said "what the fuck you say? Save who?"

I turned slowly, knowing I can't outright lie to my Prez. "Um, just, um, her friend needed a ride." I try to say.

Sami hears this and knows this can't be hidden any longer. "Fuck!! Becks, tell him I'll be there in a shortly to explain. I'll be back to the club." Sami says before hanging up.

"Well, I'm waiting for an answer." Talon fold his arms over his chest.

"She said she'll be here shortly to explain. Talon, what she's doing is helping women, who otherwise wouldn't get it. Go easy on her." I state as I walk to the bar.

Talon stands there with his arms over his chest "nope. All of the truth now!"

I look over my shoulder heading to my ole man." Then I guess we need to have a drink and talk".

I grab a beer and head to the corner table. Whistling to get the men's attention, Prez, VP, Sarg, Razor and Hawk all follow.

They know it's serious now.

"Really? The table? Who's been a bad boy now? " Chuckles Sarg.

Though, the expression on his VPs ole ladies face makes him stop.

"Prospect, drinks now to the table." Talon orders. Feeling uneasy for once in his life. There's something bad in the pit of his stomach, he can't get rid of. What the fuck is our Queenie into.? Is she in danger, how long she been doing this, why hasn't she ask for my help. She knows I care about her, we may not be in bed together, but somehow, she's claimed a part of me that has never been claimed. Fuck fuck fuck. He's in his head thinking, as his sips his beer. Not hearing her start talking.

"PREZ!!!" I yell getting his attention.

Knowing he got caught spacing it, he glares at her. "Yeah, I'm here."

"Where's Sami, If we're at this table, she needs be here." Sarg ask.
Looking around, he looks at Hawk.

"No clue, she took off earlier. Pissed off at something it looked like." Hawk says, getting a look of unease.

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