Chapter 38

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Pacing the office, not sure how to handle this. The phone call with Padre fucked with my head. Gunner sits down, watching me.

"Why? Why does she want to be there?" I ask, mostly to myself.

Turning to look at Gunner, "You know don't you? You know why." I ask.

"Prez, ok yeah she talked to me. Tho, she was drinking, damnit, if I tell you she's gonna be pissed at me" he says looking at me, unsure.

I stop pacing, looking at him. She trusted him but not me. "I'm losing her aren't I Gunner. She's leaving me." I almost can't say it out loud.

"No. She's not leaving you." He says.

He looks at me," she feels she owes it to him Prez. Not because she's in love with him. But, well, fuck, she's gonna hate me, but you need to know. From what she said, he saved her. She was beaten and well,um,um, fuck! She was beaten and raped." He says, with tears in his eyes.

What the fuck? "When?" I ask him.

"I assume when they first met. She didn't go into it." He states.

Standing up he starts pacing now. "She thought you'd stop loving her if she told you. Prez, I think that's alot of her demons that bother her." He says sadly.

Before I can say anything, the door is opened and the prospect is there. "What?" I yell. Prospect looks at us, "Sami's in her room screaming Prez."

Running past him, closer to her room, I hear her screams. Fuck. It's kills me hearing that. Trying to open the door, it's locked. Fuck! Not thinking about it, I kick the door in.

She's thrashing on the bed, twisted in the covers. Crying, mumbling.

Sitting on the bed, slowly pulling her close to me. "Shhhh, babe. You're safe. I got you Sami." I murmur.

"I'll get Becki" Gunner says as he turns to leave.

"No. I need to do this Gunner." I state.

Rubbing her back, trying to stop the thrashing. I murmur, "I got you babe. Safe with me. I love you." She starts to settle down.

Pushing into my chest as if her life depends on it. "Gunner, she needs water and coffee." I say not looking away from her.

"Got it." He says turning to walk away.

"It's ok Sami. I'm here for you. No matter what. I'll never give up on us." I say, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Her breathing slows down, barely crying now. I just sit there and hold her. It's the only thing I can do, and think about what Gunner and Padre told me.

Few minutes go by, I start to lay her back down. She needs rest.

She grabs my waist tighter. "please stay, just hold me." She says.

Nodding, I kiss the top of her head. "I'll be here for as long as you need."

Gunner lightly knocks, bringing in bottled water and coffee. Sitting them next to us.

"Thanks brother." I say. He nods,

"anything for her. You know that" he says with concern.

She moves, looking around the room, her eyes falling on the empty bottles.

Groaning, "fuck. What have I done." As if to herself.

Handing her the water, "drink babe. You need it." I say.

Sipping the water, she turns to look in the corner. Where she threw an empty bottle.

"I cleaned it up Sami." Gunner tells her.

"I'm sorry guys. I usually never get like that." She gets out.

We can only nod, no words to say.

She sighs, turns to Gunner, "please get Ice and Hawk. I need to tell you all a story."

Looking at her, "Sami, they don't need to be here. You don't need them to know do you?" I ask her.

Shaking her head at me, she looks down at her hands,"they're also my best friends. They need to know." She says with a shaky voice.

Standing up Gunner leaves the room. Caressing her back, trying to keep her calm. I have a feeling I'm not going to like this conversation.

Gunner walks back in with Ice and Hawk following him.

"Sami, what's going on. Gunner said you needed us" Ice says.

She looks up at me and nods. I tell them what I know so far. Her getting drunk, passing out and the nightmare.

Ice starts pacing, Hawk stands against the doorframe.

Taking a deep breath she begins. "Please wait until I finish or I'll lose it again." She says looking at each of us.

Nodding we understand. She takes a minute. "I talked to Padre earlier, Tony was ambushed and is in the hospital. He's not going to make it. I need to fly over there, I need to say goodbye. And tell him, I forgive him. It's the least I can do " she says, drawing in a breath. "He saved me. I was going on a retrieval, but, it was too late. I couldn't save the woman. I called Tony to tell him, he was the one I dealt directly with before Padre. All hell broke loose, even what training I had didn't help. A guy knocked me out. Dragged me into a building. When I came to, I was, um, beaten and I could feel I'd been raped. At least I was unconscious when it happened. I could barely move. They left my watch on me, and I had been there hours. I heard my phone ringing. I couldn't even stand up. Just sit there on the cold floor. I hurt so bad, I couldn't move." She shifts on the bed.

"I knew if I didn't answer my phone, Tony would know something's wrong. At least it was still on and not shut off. I heard a noise, the guy walked back in. Yelling at me, telling me I was going to die, just like his wife. He promised to make it slow and painful. He was a fucking mad man. I think he was fucked up on something. Anyway, he was pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself. When he turned to me, I seen pure fucking evil in his eyes. I knew I was going to die. And my only thought was that my sons were going to be alone now. Thinking about them, I somehow gathered some strength. He watched me, as I tried standing up. Laughing at me. He ran to me, punched me in the belly, doubling me over. Whispers to me that he's going to fuck me while he strangles me to death. Trying to breath, it was so painful. But, I got a few breaths. It was then, as he started choking me, the door was busted open. He let me go and turned to the door. As I slide back to the floor, I saw Tony rush the guy. I must have passed out again. When I came to, Tony held me, wrapped in his shirt, trying to cover me up. Once he knew I was covered, he picked me up. As we were walking away, I glanced at the floor, so much blood. The man was beat to hell, and I knew he wasn't alive." She says, tears falling down.

Looking at us, she continues, "he got me out of there and took me to the family's doctor. I wouldn't go to the hospital. I wouldn't let him leave me when I got checked over, I was still scared. When the Dr checked me over and dealt with the cuts and bruises. He ask me if I'd been raped, shame is what I felt. I told him I didn't know for sure. But felt like it. He made Tony leave to examine me. After he was done, he said I had been. And was going to run test, but, he told me the man wore a condom. He just wanted to make sure. Once he was done, Tony came back in. And I begged him to never tell anyone about the rape. And to never mention it again. Far as the bruising and shit, he made it look like an accident, I was worried about what the boys would think. I knew he'd tell Padre about the beating, but made him promise to never tell him about the rape. I was and still ashamed of that." She finally takes a deep breath.

 "That's why I need to be there" she says nervously.

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