Chapter 37

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Watching Talon walk away, I'm actually amazed how caring this badass biker is. I never would have thought I'd fall for him like I have.

Luke stands up bringing my attention back to the table. "Sami, I'll get started on this stuff for you." Luke says.

"Thanks Luke appreciate it." I tell him.

Thinking now what my son suggested, it makes sense.

I don't want his money, but I could do something good with it.

Deep in thought, thinking now of ways to help women. A training facility, with apartments above would be perfect. I could hire a few guys I know that could teach self-defense classes, good thing I know some MMA fighters who would help.

Smiling to myself, if I can get this setup and started, it'd be perfect.

"Hey babe, want a drink?" Gunner asks.

Shaking my thoughts, "not right now." I tell him

He looks at me, "you've got something in mind already?" He asks me.

"Yep. I believe I do. I think it would be the best way to use that damn money" I tell him.

Nudging my shoulder, "you gonna share. Because now I'm curious." He laughs out.

Being as serious as I can, I look at him and say, "ever wonder what 3 million would look like burning in a fire pit?"

His mouth opens, shuts, lost for words, "um, what?" He's looking at me like I'm nuts.

Nodding at him, "I want to see what it looks like burning up in flames."

He's flustered, not able to speak. "You've got to be fucking with me Sami. No fucking way. You've lost your damn mind" He almost yells out.

I can't help it now, and start laughing.

"You ass. I was seriously going to have you committed." He says.

Laughing at him, I couldn't help fucking with Gunner. He shakes his head walking away, "you're a fucking crazy bitch" laughing.

I look up as Gunner gets to the bar, pointing at me, talking to Talon, shaking his head.

I get up to go to the bar, stopping in front of Gunner, "you know you love this crazy bitch" I smirk.

I turn to walk away when my ass got smacked. Hard. Damn. That stung.

Glaring at Gunner, he puts his hands up as if to say wasn't me.

I turn to glare at Talon, and his fucking grin.

I can't be upset with this man. "Asshole" I murmur. Looking up thru my lashes, I try to sound sexy, "if ya wanna do that, next time make it really hurt babe."

He growls at me. "Don't start something we can't finish right now." He nips my ear.

"What's going on Tal?" I ask. His face shows concern now. He looks at Gunner then me. "Nothing babe. Just a few things we have going on" he says.

Hawk walks in and heads straight to us. A look of determination.

I'm looking at each one of them, and not liking the looks they give each other. "What the fucks going on here guys, and don't say nothing. I see it on your faces." I growl out. "And the fact my ole man won't take me to our room to fuck, yeah there's something going on"

"Nothing for you to worry about Sami" Hawk says to me.

"Whatever. I need to call padre about an idea I have." I say as I walk towards the door.

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