Chapter 48

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Watching her sleep, breaks a part of me knowing she never felt true love before me. But damn glad it was me to show her. I'm a selfish bastard.
I held her all night while she slept peacefully.

"Morning Tal" she says in that low morning voice.

Smiling at her, I kiss her forehead, "morning my love" I say.

"What time is it?" She asks.

Looking at the clock on her nightstand, "almost noon babe". I
chuckle as her eyes widen.

"Damn. I must have slept good. "she says, stretching out.

Leaning down to kiss her head, "I'll get you coffee, need help in the shower?" I asks her.

Grinning at me, "coffee sounds perfect, tho, I think a bath would
be better." She says getting out of bed.

I watch her get clothes and go into the bathroom. When I hear the water, I pull on a pair of jeans and head to the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, I smell coffee and bacon.

Grabbing 2 cups from the cabinet, I pour our coffee.

"Morning Prez" Becki says.

"Morning Becks. Where's Ice this morning" I ask her.

"Here take this to Sami" she says handing me a plate of bacon and
eggs. "He went to check on the boys" she said turning back to the

"Something wrong?" I ask.

Shaking her head, "no, you know how he is with them. Just had to go see them" she is saying as she cooks.

Pressing a kiss to her cheek, "thanks Becks. Don't forget the fights tonight." I say walking away.

Walking into our room, setting the tray on the dresser.

I hear her cussing, I chuckle as I walk in the bathroom.

She looks up at me, her face red with embarrassment, "I'm fucking stuck in the damn tub." She says pissed off.

I start to laugh, then stop when she glares at me.

Helping her out of the tub, I grab a towel and dry her off."Sorry babe." I say laughing.

"I was good until I had to get out damnit" she says.

"Babe, it's fine. I'm here to help, always" I tell her.

Helping her get dressed, she laughs at me. "I know, still getting used to having that help" she says getting her coffee.

We both sit on the bed, eating our breakfast.
The silence is comfortable.

Finishing up, she puts her boots on, or at least tries.

Hearing her huff, I help her get them on.
She's mumbling,"Fucking dicks shot me"

I can't help but laugh at that.

She tries to glare at me, but then smiles. And laughs," I know, I talk to myself" she says.

Pulling her into my chest, "so fucking beautiful and sexy" I say.

"Whatever" she says.

Smacking her ass, "let's go babe. Need to figure out who's going tonight." I say.

As she opens the door, Doc is there ready to knock.

"What are you doing out of bed Sami? I told you to rest." He says.

Shaking her head, "I slept good, and feel good" she says walking past him.

"Sami I need to check your bandage before you leave." Doc says, pulling her back into the room.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now