Chapter 18

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Sami ~

Pulling into my place, shutting off the bike. "You can stay here tonight and I'll take you to your new place in the morning."

Nessa nods as she's getting off my bike. Looking nervous.

" You have no reason to be nervous or afraid. You're safe here." I reassured her.

The rest of the guys are following us inside. She glances at them, then whispers to me, "they all live here with you?"

Laughing, I shake my head. " We all live within minutes of each other but they're here because we've got to talk about the ride coming up."

At that moment, Hawk walks up to us, and starts telling her about the run and if she would like to ride, he would be honored to have her on his bike.

She stares at him. Then beams a smile. "I would love to, if Sami doesn't mind"

I'm impressed. I didn't think she would ride with Hawk. I was going to have her ride in the chaser vehicle with a prospect.

Everyone sits at the table, talking about the run. Figuring out the small details.

Leaning back in my chair, Talon slides his arm around my shoulders. "You good?" he ask.

"yeah. Been a long few days. I'll sleep for days after the run." I say, yawning

Hearing a car pull up, sounds like my boys are home.

I get to the door as bub is opening it, hearing him talk to his brother, "full house bubba. You not going sleep yet huh.?" he laughs

I startled him. "Damnit mom, stop sneaking like that. I bout pissed myself." He's laughing

Shaking my head, I give them both hugs," I missed you boys. How was your visit.?"

Looking around, "um can we talk bout that later?" He says.

Now, I'm the concerned one. If he won't talk in front of the guys, then something happened.

Turning to the guys, "time for y'all to go home. We'll finish this in the morning." I tell them.

Talon looks at me with a curious face.

"I'll see you in the morning, if ya need me, call darlin." He says pulling me into him. "But don't get used to being away from me at night though. Soon, you're gonna be moved next door." He breathes heavily into my ear.

Returning his hug, and a small kiss. I can only nod. This man is perfect for me.

I turn to sit on the couch, looking at the boys, now that we're alone.

"What's going on boys?" I'm asking, curious why they wouldn't talk in front of the guys.

They look uncomfortable.

"Well, our visit with sis was great. But, well. They want to come up for the ride, depends on their work schedules." He says.

"Ok. What's going on?" Is the only thing I can ask.

"Pops overheard us telling sis about the run." Bubba says

"And when he heard the club name, he kinda was an asshole " Bub gets out.

I shake my head, "he can be pissed about whatever. He has no control over anything we do and who we associate with."

"I know momma. Just don't want sis to get caught in middle of it. And yes, I know she can handle her dad. But then he came at us asking questions, wanting info, putting the club down, well bubba got pissed and told him to shut up. Pops never liked anyone doing that, he said he was going to call you to find out why you're involved in his old club. I told him it wouldn't be wise to start in on you." Sighing, he looks at me.

Looking at them, I know they are upset. "You boys had a long drive. Why don't you go and get some sleep? We can discuss this tomorrow, and I think maybe it should be in church. Now, before you say no, remember, this club was started with me and pops involved, only fair the club knows what's going on. Oh and let him call me, I'll be glad to discuss that with him. And it's time for you boys to know all about the beginning of the club and my part in it. I'm Talons ole lady now, time you boys knew it all." I lean to kiss em goodnight.

"Thanks momma. Ya know, Talon is good for you, and us." Bubs says walking away.

"Night boys." I walk to my room. Not bothering to turn on the light, I walk to my dresser, and pull out a tee and shorts to sleep in. Not paying attention, I stub my toe on the damn bed. "fuck"! Damn that hurt. Changing and crawling into bed, doesn't take long to drift off to sleep

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now