Chapter 31

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Sami ~

I'm going to kill that motherfucker.

After Jen tells me what's been going on. And it's been happening for months, she left the asshole, and got custody back of my granddaughter. She didn't lie to me, I know when she's lying. She's gotten clean and wanted to better her life.

I ignore my phone, not answering it for them to talk me out of this.

I wasn't going to go tonight until Jen told me that fuckers sister is babysitting for her.

Fuck!!! I yell out.

Trying to calm my head, what Jen told me. I see images so bad that it scares even me. Not only did that fucker beat her, he forced sex on her.

I know the guys are worried, I stormed out of there not saying anything. Now, I know I shouldn't have. But all I could think of is that fuckers going to try take my granddaughter. Use as leverage against Jen.

Glancing at the GPS unit on the truck, 39 minutes and I'll be there. Shaking my head, concerned for Ronica . It's been all fucked up since her mom and dad were separated. Memories of her being born and the few years I got to see her. Calms me enough to drive.

Damn phone. "What?" I bark out pushing connect on the Bluetooth.

Not looking to see who it is.

"My Angel. Is that any way to answer your phone. Don't talk, just listen. Talon is worried about you, hell your whole club is." Padre says

Shaking my head," I'm sorry Padre, but I have to do this. If he is there, there's going to be bloodshed. I'm going to get my Ronica."

He takes a breath, "I do understand. But if he's not there. No bloodshed. We will handle him". He says

"No! He's mine to deal with Padre. This is about my Ronica and her mother " I almost yell

"Angel, please calm down. I'm asking as your family." He whispers.

Knowing he's right. I try to calm down. Surprised that it's working.

"I need get off here Padre. Rispetto e amore." I say hanging up.

Just a few more minutes. I'll be there.

Lost in my head, I realize I'm there, driving on the street, checking a fast way out. I input GPS back to home. In case I take a wrong turn. Not familiar with this city, my luck and I would.

Pulling in front of the house, shut my lights off. I sit there, take a deep breath and watch for a minute. I'm pissed but not stupid.

Taking a deep breath, I open my door. Making sure I have my gun in my holster and knives in my bra and boot.

Closing the door as quiet as I can. Walking to the door, glancing around.

I knock on the door, no answer. Next I pound on it. Out corner of my eye, I see the curtains move. I step back so they can see me.

A woman opens the door. "Can I help you?" She ask cautious like

"Are you Gwen?" I ask

She nods, "I am. What do you want and how do you know me?"

Stepping closer, "Jen sent me to get Ronica. I'm her grandmother."

I say, as a young girl looks around the woman,

she smiles, and screams, "It's Mimi. Its Mimi" Yelling excitedly.

The woman steps back to allow me in. As soon as I step in, my Ronica is throwing her arms around me. " I missed you Mimi."

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now