Chapter 12

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Sami ~
I've got a few days to myself. Taking the long way home, driving helps clear my head.

My boys are going to visit my daughter and her wife. She may not be my blood but still my daughter. Not sure how it's gonna play out if they come to visit. Her dad is who I was married to when we started the club. I hope like hell she doesn't say anything to him about us being back with the club. That's trouble I don't need right now.

Walking into the house, it's quiet. A note on the table from the boys. "love you momma, be safe and have fun. Remember that you deserve to be happy. Don't let your stubbornness ruin it". Love bub and bubba.

Those boys are what has kept me going for years. I wouldn't know how to be with anyone. They keep pushing me and Talon together. I just don't know if I can change.

Shaking my head to clear those thoughts, time to eat and relax. I look in the fridge, hell, I need go to the store. Grabbing my keys to the truck, I'm walking out as my phone shows a text.

Becki must read my mind I think as I read the text. "Hey gotta run to the store, you wanna go with?"
Deciding to just call her, she picks up on first ring. "Yeah I was just walking out to do the same thing. Want me to pick you up?" I say, knowing I will.

"Hell yes. Please. I'm at home now" Becki says.

"On my way be there in a few." And hang up. We all live within a few minutes of each other. The club owns thousands of acres of land and each member has a place of their own.

I glance up and see Talon pulling in his drive. Our house sits on the same property. Far enough to be private but close enough that if there's trouble.

He nods as I go by. I give him a chin lift. I can't help but glance in the mirror. Damn he is sexy. The way he looks straddled on his bike, my stomach has butterflies. What the fuck?

Me and Becki get grocery shopping done. Of course, she wants me come for dinner but I'm wanting to be alone tonight.

"I'll call ya later Becks. Just wanna relax tonight". I say as she opens the truck door.

"Ok but you are welcome anytime, you know that". She sweetly smiles.

We say our goodbyes and I head home.Putting groceries up, I pull a steak out to throw on the grill.

Heading to get a shower, to tired for a bath now. I'm stepping out of the shower and hear a noise, I don't remember putting music on. Wrapped in a towel, grabbing my gun from the counter, I sneak out to see what the hell is going on.

Not bothering to get dressed, I'm creeping down the hall. How the hell am I gonna explain shooting someone in my towel. I should have gotten dressed. Fuck. Someone's in my kitchen, rummaging through the drawers. How did someone get past,, oh fuck, I forgot to set the alarm. Getting closer, I fucking smell food cooking.

What the fuck, I hold up my gun, turn the corner and slam into a hard chest.

"What the fuck Sami. Put the gun down sweetheart". Talon says as he looks me up and down.

"Damnit Talon. What the fuck? I almost shot your ass. Why are you here? And in my kitchen cooking?" I say, trying to ignore the fact he is shirtless and just in jeans. It is a sexy sight though.

"I text you to tell you I was coming over to cook you dinner. You were in the shower, so I started cooking. Sorry I scared you". He says, turning back to the table.

Wait, he text? Where the hell is my phone.

As if reading my mind, he says "your phone is on the couch. I heard it go off as I walked in. Now could you go get dressed so I can cook? Or I'll be bending you over this table".

"Yeah well I didn't ask you over so if I wanna stay in a towel, too bad". I state, knowing I'll go change though.

He turns and his eyes tell me all I needed to know. Growling, "do that and I guarantee, I'll be fucking you before feeding you". He steps closer, his chest rising hard and falling. I step back, and hit the wall, damn.

He's close enough I can smell his sweet breath. "Change now. Before I lose what little control I have". He cups my chin. I can't help but lick my lower lip.

Leaning in, he licks my lip. "Change now!"

Nodding, I turn to walk to my room. Knowing he's watching me, I drop my towel giving him a good look at my ass. Thinking payback, yeah that should do it.

"Woman!! You're asking for a spanking doing that". He says, I hear him chuckle.

Shaking my head. That man seriously does something deep inside my heart.

Maybe, just maybe, I need to let go while my boys are gone and just enjoy it. I'm thinking to myself while throwing in shorts and tshirt. No panties or bra. Leaving my hair down because it's still wet. I walk back into the kitchen.

He's finishing up the steaks. It's been a long time since I've had a man cook for me. Turning to me, he has that smirk that I'd love to smack off his face. Although, it is sexy. Who the fuck am I kidding. The whole package is fucking sex on a stick.. I can feel my core get wet just watching him. Fuck me running. No way am I gonna be able to stop this attraction. Time to just go with the flow as they say.

I set the table as he's bringing in the steaks. Damn, it smells delicious. Looks good too.

"Eat up Queenie. Don't want it getting cold" he says while watching me cut my steak. "I've got plans after this and no back talk from you. Got me?"

I look up, my heart freezes, the look in his eyes, the desire, I can see clearly now.

He smiles, "I know you don't want caring, but just maybe it's what you NEED. Let me take care of you. You won't regret it. I promise".

He looks at me, and I can see he means every damn word.

I swallow the lump in my throat, trying to speak. "Fine. You win. We'll play it your way. But you may not like me afterwards".

He takes my hand, kisses my fingers. Leaning closer, eyes filled with desire," I'll love you no matter what".

Wait, did he just say the L word? Slow your roll sexy.

"That word should never come from your mouth Talon. There's no love at first sight, you've known me months, not years. How can you say that?" I stutter out.

"Queenie, you've given me more hell than any woman I know, and the feelings I feel when you're close to me, the way my heart swells when I see you watching me, no woman has ever affected me like you have. I feel as if my very next breath will be gone if I don't have you in my life. I have never spoken these words to any woman. All I'm asking is for you to give me a chance to prove that all men are not the same" He whispered, "I'd die for you Sami".

My heart, I feel the walls breaking down. I've been so busy trying to stop this and know that it's been a failure from the start. How can this tough sexy biker have these feelings? Maybe they all aren't the same. Feeling my resistance leave, I do want all he's offering.

"One day at a time is all I can give you right now, I've lost a part of me that I'm not sure I can ever get back". I say

He looks at me, "and what part is lost?"

I barely whisper, "my heart and soul"

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