Chapter 50

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Watching her here, she's happy. Hard to imagine she was a part of this scene for a long time.

"Talon, she looks happy" Padre says, watching me watch her and Gunner walk out.

"She is happy. Although, after all the bullshit lately, she doesn't let it affect her." I say.

Bub and Bubba walk up to us, "Boys, I want to introduce you to someone. Mom went to get her meds, so I'll do it." I say.

"This is Padre, a man who means very much to your momma. Padre, these young men are Sami's sons." I say.

"So very nice to finally meet you" Padre says shaking their hands.

"Thank you. For watching for our mom" Bub says.

"No thanks needed. She's like a daughter to me." Padre states.

"Papa, did you see where Sami went?" Lita asks.

"She went to get her meds. Lita, these are Sami's sons." I say, turning to introduce them.

"Hi guys. I'm Lita. And your momma is one kick-ass woman" Lita giggles out.

"That she is" Bub says.

"Thank you" Bubba gets out.

Bubba is staring at Lita, like she's the only one standing here.

Lita walks up to Bubba, "I've heard so much about you. Your momma is very proud of you." Lita says to him.

He blushes, "she's best mom ever. She saved me." He states.

He goes to walk away and Lita walks to the table with him.

I lift a brow at Bub and Padre, "That's odd isn't it?" I ask.

Padre shakes his head, "I think your boy has a new friend to talk to now" Padre laughs out.

"Hey bub? Got a minute?" I hear a guy ask.

Nodding, they sit down at the table.

I watch things around us, Hawk nods. Then Ice does. Showing things are good.

"Its been a long time Bub. You been ok?" I hear.

"Been good. Alot has happened in the years Dex." Bub says.

"Samigirl has been thru alot, but she's a fighter, you know that." Dex says.

Bub looks a little lost in thought and then looks at me.

"Is he here Dex? Because I have a score to settle with him." Bub states to Dex.

"He's in the main event against Bull. But, you need to let the past go Bub. He got his ass kicked for the past, I did it myself." Dex says.

I look over to Bub and see fury and pain in his eyes.

I start to say something but he shakes his head.

"If he tries talking to her, I'll tell everyone of my brothers here what happened." Bub spits out. " I should have known tonight was going to be a cluster fuck Dex." He growls out.

Dex looks at him, "I know Bub. I do understand. The past is the past. I wish I could have changed it, but I can't. You know I loved your mom like a sister." Dex says, getting up and walked away.

I look over to Bub, "Son what the hell is going on that you want to hurt someone." I ask him.

"Mom dated a fighter, gave him all she had. In the end, he destroyed mom." He says. "It was what made mom start drinking. I haven't forgiven him for that." Bub growls out.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now