Chapter 56

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Talon 10/14/19

Watching as Padre walks towards me, Bull is next to him talking. They look upset.

"Everything ok?" I ask him.

"Yes. Letting my Angel know that this building will be hers by end of the day. And she's already upset about it. I know she can buy it but, the money was left as a gift for her. She can now invest her money into getting this place ready." Padre states.

Laughing at that, "Yeah bet she wasn't happy about that." I reply.

"The money was from a bet on my fight. It was placed as soon as we found out who I was fighting." Bull says.

As I was going to reply, the front door opens and in walks four guys. I recognize them from the fights.

"Is Sami around?" One ask us.

Nodding, "She's in the back area." I say.

As they start to walk by, Hawk stops them.

"I'll let her know you are here. Sorry but until she clears it, no one goes to the back." Hawk states.

"I understand. Glad to see she has someone to have her back." Another says.

Hawk walks away to get Sami,  "I remember you all from the fights. And she has alot of people having her back now." Padre says.

"We came to talk to her about being trainers. Bear told us what she's wanting to accomplish here, and we want to help." A man says.

Hawk walks back,"She said to go on back. She's in the office area." He says pointing the way.

They walk away, I'm watching them.

"Hope you're ready for this Prez." Gunner says.

Confused at his words, "What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Having them around here. Knowing she has history with them. Not saying it's bad, but you tend to get a little protective with her." He laughs out.

Shaking my head,"I get protective because she's our woman Gunner." I state.

Standing closer, so only I can hear, "You think she's going to actually let us both be with her?" He ask me.

"Yeah I do. She loves us both. We can't deny her that. I'd do anything to make her happy, even if she wants us both. I've fought it, but we both love her as much." I say.

"That we do brother." He says.

Padre looks at us confused, "You bikers are odd. Did I just hear you right, you both are in love with my angel?" He growls out.

"In our world, it's not unheard of for an Ol Lady to be claimed by two men. As long as all agree" Gunner says.

"Until we talk to her, no one else needs to know" I state.

"Do you both love her? She deserves real love." Padre ask us.

Nodding, we both say at the same time, "We do."

He looks at us, not knowing what to say.

"She will be happy Padre." Gunner says.

Looking around, he sighs, "If she loves you both, that is all that matters, her being happy finally." He states.

Bull walks back up to us,"Time to go Padre. The lawyer just called. We have a meeting."

"Take care of her. I'll talk to her later about the building. Soon as it's final later, I'll let you know." Padre says and walks away.

Gunner watches, "Bet I know who left her the money Prez."

"I know. I do too. That man is fucking with me from the damn grave." I almost growl out.

Laughing at me, Gunner replies,"At least we know in his own way he cared for her."

I can only nod as we head to the back.

A/N. Short chapter. My mind is working on 2 stories, and they love to argue with who's first. Hope you have enjoyed this so far. Thanks for the emails. They are all appreciated.

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