Chapter 34

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Talon ~

Sitting at my desk, sipping a drink. Thinking of the past few weeks, it's been good around here. I've got my woman moved in with me, our boys are good and the club is working as it should.

"Prez, you good? Look deep in thought." Ice asks.

Nodding, I reply, "yeah. Padre called earlier. He ask for a meet."

"What's up? Why did he call you and not Sami.? She's the one he usually deals with." Ice asks suspiciously.

Taking a deep breath, "He has info on Jen's ex. And doesn't want Sami involved."

Ice sits down, "what info?" Looking over my desk at him,

"Seems the piece of shit finally fucked up. Ratted out the wrong person. Padre set him up to fail. Padre wants to deal with him. said he'd have him soon." I say.

He whistles out. " He deserves it. You going to tell them?"

Shaking my head, "nope. He doesn't want them to know anything about it. He knows Sami's gonna be pissed because she couldn't be the one to take him out."

"Yeah she will be. She wanted this more than any of the others. That was her granddaughter in harm's way." Ice states.

"I know. And when she finds out we knew. Not gonna be a good day." I breath out.

"Maybe not,but, when she finds out it was Padre, she'll calm down." Ice says.

Banging at the door startles us. "What?" I bark out.

"Boss, got badges at the gate. The want to talk to Sami." Gage says, breathing hard.

Jumping up, we rush out of the office. I look around for Sami. She's at our table in the back, "Sami, need you and Becki to go to our room. Got badges asking for you and until I find out why, you're not to be seen." I tell her. She nods, grabbing Becki's hand and heads out of the bar.

Turning to Gage, "let them in. Hawk, escort them to the bar." We sit at the table waiting. A few minutes later, Hawk follows them into the bar.

They look around the bar, as if searching for her. Walking up to our table, I offer them a seat.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ice barks out.

The first man glares at Ice. "I'm detective Jones, this is my partner detective Johnson." The man states. Looking at us, we say nothing.

"And you are here why?" I ask.

"We need to speak to Sami Reynolds." Jones says, as Johnson takes a seat,opening a folder.

"Until we know about what, you'll speak to us."Ice states. I look at them exchanging glances. Almost looking uncomfortable.

"You have nothing to do with this. So unless we talk to her, we're done here." Jones says.

Gunner steps up, "you know this is an MC. And you also know that anything that involves her, does in fact involve us. You're not stupid men." He growls out.

They look at each other, deciding if they'll tell us.

"Do you have a warrant to take her in, or paperwork on her at all?" Luke says walking to the table.

The detectives turn looking at the newcomer. Recognizing the lawyer. Shaking his head, "no warrant. Just need to talk to her. On a personal matter, not legal matter." Johnson says.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now