Chapter 24

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Talon ~

Looking into my room, she's fallen asleep. Good, she needs rest. Hopefully when she wakes, she'll be more herself.

When I looked into her eyes, there was an emptiness I've never seen. I don't like that look.

Pushing my food around, I don't feel like eating. I only made it to make her eat. But she's sound asleep.

Grabbing my phone, I need to call Ice and check in.

"How's she doing Prez?" He answers the phone.

Taking a breath, "Ice, man I don't really know. She was really in her head, she's resting now though, so I'm hoping it helps." I say unsure.

"You be there for her, that's what she needs. The boys are good, enjoying the brothers stories." He says, knowing I was going to ask.

"That's good. We'll be there when she wakes up." I try to get out, when all I hear is screaming. Jumping up to run to her, the closer I get, the louder the screams.

I barely hear Ice, my phone still in my hand. "What the fuck? What's going on? "

I bark into the phone, "I don't know, she's dreaming, get Becki here now!"

Rushing to the bed, she's got sweat pouring off her, thrashing on the bed. Mumbling, "stop. It hurts. Please stop. I won't tell".

Trying to ease onto the bed, I pull her in my arms, consoling her in her nightmare. "I'm here babe. Shhhssss. It's gonna be ok." I sit there calming her down, at least trying to. I hear the motorcycle soon as it hits the drive, hearing heavy boots stomping down the hall.

Looking up when I know they are in the doorway. "She was having a nightmare. It scared the fuck out of me Becki. Didn't know what to do, so I've been holding her." I whisper.

Becki walks forward, placing her hand on Sami, "we're here for you, always will be. Come back to us, so we can deal with this together." She sits on the other side, instinctively, Sami rolls towards her. Becki pulls her into a hug. Sami's calmed down. I stand up, looking at them. "I need a drink. I can't take her hurting like that." I walk away wiping a tear away.

Becki looks at me, " I've got her now. Go to the kitchen, have a drink. Bring me water and crackers please."

Running her hand over Sami's head, consoling best she can.

I hear my VP following me. Opening the fridge, I grab 2 beers, handing him one.

"What? No hard stuff Prez?" He says.

Shaking my head, "not right now. Need my head clear for her."

Talking to him, helps clear my head. He's the only one who knows her better than anyone else in the club. He's both of our best friend.

"She needs to stop doing these jobs. Find someone who can take over. One day, she's going to be too far gone to come back. I won't let her sons see that." Turning to look at him.

"I understand that. But, I think you need find out why she's doing it." He states.

Thinking that over, "I've tried talking to her. But she won't let me in that part of her mind."

He takes a drink, "then maybe it's time she's forced into talking."

"Hell no. Not pushing her. I'd be the one who pushed her away. Can't chance that." I say, knowing he's saying the truth, but I won't risk it.

In silence, we drink our beers. Both trying to figure this out.

Remembering Becki, I grab water and crackers, heading back to them.

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