Chapter 15

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Talon ~
Standing there hearing him profess his love. My hands clench open shut.
I knew it. That day we went to the restaurant.

Then I hear her say she's in love with me. He storms out, glancing at me. Fuck him.
She's mine and soon she'll have my brand on her.

Pulling her into my arms, "I've been in love with you for awhile". I say cupping her cheek.

She's looks up to me, smiles, and trails kisses on my hands.

A throat clearing brings us back into reality. Looking over her shoulder, "what's going on?" She ask.

"You're needed in the library" Ice says, smirking at us.

Walking into that room, which isn't a normal library, I glance at her, my eyes widen as I looks around. "This ain't no library" I whisper to her.

She laughs. "I know".

Sitting in a metal chair, is a man I don't know. Looking at Padre, he nods. Knowing what I'm thinking.

"I was on it soon as I got your call Talon. It didn't take long to locate this piece of shit" Padre says.

"Questo gli prendo la vita. Now that you know I have him, you can rest assured this is the end of it." Tony says to her then glares at his brother.

I know he wants her here for this but I can't let her do this. I try to pull her into my body, but she pulls away.

She walks up to the man, looks at him and smiles, pulling the knife from her side, "This is for my son's", slicing his stomach, "this is for me," stabbing his thigh, "and this is for my club," taking the knife to his throat, slowly making little cuts.

He isn't screaming, the gag won't let him, but the look of fear, is all she needed.

Dropping the knife, she turns to Padre. "Take care of the trash. I'm going home. Padre, I know you'll handle this like I know you will. I only ask, finish it painfully" She says.

Padre looks at her, with a head nod, "You know I will. We will talk later. Talon, take care of our girl. She means the world to us".

I look at her then him, "You can bet I will. There's no one like her in this world".

Tony walks with her towards the door, leaning down to talk to her, trying to talk to her, she shakes her head no.

He tries to touch her face and she jerks away. What the fuck? I growl, ready to hit this fucker.

Walking out of that house, she's glances at us. Looking wore the fuck out. She is lost in thought, I put my hand on the small of her back, "sweetheart, time to get you home and rest".

She nods and goes to my bike. The ride home, I keep glancing to her. She's shutting down. The far away look in her eyes, I don't know how to help her. What the hell happened in the last hour?
And what the fuck is Tony thinking, pulling that shit with her.

Pulling up at my house, she sees where we're at. Confused. "Let me take care of you. I need to do this for you, for me, for us", I tell her.

She nods, "I don't know how to fully let it go Talon. I'm just tired".

Taking her hand, I lead her inside. She sits on the couch, I squat down removing her shoes.
She smiles, "Really? My shoes?"

At least she smiled.

Looking in her eyes, "Queenie, I'd do anything for you. You want to talk about it? I can listen and not say a word".

"I guess you need to know about Tony", She sighs.

"Only if you're ready to tell me", hoping she will.

"He's being sent away on business. Out of the country. That's his punishment for what happened. He was forbidden to talk to me like he did earlier".

Drawing in a shaky breath. "We got closer when I started learning to fight. We spent alot of time together. My boys don't know about him or Padre. I wanted that kept separate from them. We had words over that. I thought I cared for him and when he gave me an ultimatum, I chose my boys", She says with tears. Continuing, "when Padre found out how close we were getting, he wasn't happy. But, he stayed out of it until our argument. It was then when he heard the ultimatum, and I didn't choose Tony, that he stepped in", Sighing, she looks at me.

"All I can say is that I'm here for you. And with never any judgments. We all have a past babe" I say taking her hands.

"Tal, I'm tired. Can you just hold me tonight?" She ask.

Nodding we head to my bedroom. I undress her. Laying her in my bed. Cover her up, I strip, sliding in next to her. Pulling her into my arms, nuzzling her hair.

I hear her sigh. This is where she belongs. I lay awake going over everything she's told me. Wondering how I got lucky to have found her.

The clubs doing good, no problems for now, her boys gave me their blessings, I feel as if life couldn't be better.

A slight snore comes from her, I chuckle. It's to damn cute.

Drifting off to sleep finally, my last thought is how I'm going to help her over this.

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