Chapter 25

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Sami ~

I swear if I didn't love these guys, I'd kick their asses. Although, I have to admit, the twins thing was funny. I let out a small laugh. Talon looks at me, as if reading my mind, "gotta admit babe, it was kinda of funny."

"Yeah it was. But I still owe y'all. " Smiling at him.

Pulling me into his chest, he murmurs," you can punish me at home."

This man is, well, everything I've ever needed. Giving my head a small shake, did I just think that? Needed? Hmm, maybe he is putting the broken me together, bit by bit.

Putting my arms around his waist, leaning up to kiss him, "Maybe, maybe not." I say.

I feel his chest shaking, laughing, "I know, for that stunt, you'll get us back when we least expect it ".

Laughing, "yep" is all I can say.

"Everything ready for tomorrow?" I ask.

"Hell yes it is. Gonna have the boys drive the club truck, since yours is a little damaged" He says chuckling.

I nod, "yeah. Sorry about that. Don't wanna talk about that ok? At least not tonight "

Looking down to me, he smiles, "yeah babe. Whatever you want. I'd never push that."

We stand there, my back against his chest and watch the party. This feels good, comfortable, soul healing, I guess you'd say.

I feel his body tense, following his eyes, a man I haven't met yet is walking towards us. He let's out a low growl. Looking up at him, curiously.

"Let me handle this babe." He says.

I nod. Not knowing what the hell is going on.

The man looks at Talon then me. His eyes, for some reason, I don't trust.

"Prez, it's taken care of. Can we talk in private?" He ask.

Talon shakes his head. "Anything you have to say can be said in front of her." Nodding to me.

Stepping to me, I feel Tal tense. "Names Dawg, Big Dawg." He says, looking at me.

"I'd say it's nice to meet you, but bringing that whore here, it's not." I say curtly. Watching him, he looks at me again.

"I didn't bring her, a prospect did. Which I didn't know about. I do apologize for that major fuckup." He says watching Talon tense up.

I should let Talon handle this, but fuck it. This man may be a charter Prez, but he's going to learn that I am not an ole lady to piss off.

"Fuckup or not. I'm not your typical ole lady though. And I will not let any whore disrespect me or this club. If I see her again, I will beat her within an inch of her life." I say, knowing I'm pissing him off.

"Listen here, this club is everything to me. Don't ever doubt that. It was a mistake. Prez, is she always a spitfire like this.?" He ask grinning for the first time.

"You ain't seen nothing, Dawg. She can be much worse. First woman I've ever met that can take down the best biker there is." Talon says proudly.

Chuckling, Dawg looks me over, "true biker bitch huh. And no disrespect intended,"

Grinning at him, "none taken, because I know I'm a true biker bitch through and through. Not afraid of any man or woman. Can bet on that." I say firmly.

Glancing up, I see Gunner heading our way, looking at me. Stepping out of Talons arms, I walk to Gunner.

"What's up old man?" I ask.

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